Shlomo.Ben.Jussuf (Berlin, DE)

He's my Jewish gypsy guru,
And he sure can do that voodoo, He's a saiiiint,
He's a piiiimp,
He's a maaaaaaaan!

(Did that sound like Cole Porter? No?)

Melech.Gueldenstern (Berlin, DE)

Melech, Melech. How can I even say his name without salivating? His beauteous husky masculinity sends me into spasms of twitching ecstasy. But only on a Tuesday.

Norah.Goldenbogen (, )

Norah loves porn.

jimsnade (Muenchen, DE)

Mr Lover Lover

Urizen (Berlin, DE)

A dangerous man, my friends, a dangerous man. PFIS member of the old school (and you don't want to pfis those guys off either).

scootiepye (Newcastle upon Tyne, GB)

This lady not only takes a fantastic picture or two (and then sticks it in the microwave), she is also a world champion crisp-eater. (So don't ever be tempted to challenge her to a crisp-eating competition because you will lose.) And don't let her take you out for a quiet afternoon drink in Newcastle, because she will drink you under the table and you'll end up saying all kinds of rude things to strange men, crawling home singing songs about dickie-di-does and sending embarrassing text messages to everyone in your phone address book, including your landlord, who will take this as an invitation to turn up in your flat in a pink negligée, a bottle of champagne wedged under his arm, and suggestively flexing a moist stick of rhubard at you. Otherwise, though, if you stick to these few simple rules, Scootiepye is a delight.

LiA (Wien, AT)

Quite mad, unfortunately. Says she can sing better than me. What bollocks.

spitocco (, )

A filthy worthless dog who deserves to be chained up and made to eat from a bowl. Bark for me, baby, come on bark!

morganx99 (Madrid, ES)

The devastatingly charming, the adorable, the gifted, the indestructible late-night companion - Morganx99. He must have some kind of secret hypnotic powers, because when he sticks his camera right up into a stranger's face, all they seem to do is smile.

David_S (Glasgow, GB)

Evocative pictures with a story to tell - a fascinating combination. He likes custard creams. I have a great deal of respect for that.

lars.blumen (Berlin, DE)

Lars has such a natural eye. (I keep telling him, get rid of it. Get a robotic implant; like the Bionic Man, or like a Borg drone. It would be so much cooler. But will he listen? No.)

Jakob.Salomon (Muenchen, DE)

Abba.Ben.Dosa (Muenchen, DE)

lhirondelle (Hanoi, VN)

Shit. He's so good, I could murder him.

Rebekka.Liebekind (Muenchen, DE)

carmendevos (Lochristi, BE)

She's a bit of a pervert, if you ask me. Belgian.

onepaladin (Honolulu, US)

He says he'd let me water his plants (the fool). I'm itching to do it. I want to find out whether they really are covered in crystally stuff. You see, I strongly suspect that Mr Onep. has been pulling the wool over our eyes all along. I reckon that crystal business is all just some very cunning polaroid ruse to fool us into thinking his pot plants are funkier than ours. Don't fall for it! That's exactly what he WANTS us to think.

aurelienD (Paris, FR)

The man behind the monsters.

artpunk (Melbourne, AU)

On the surface, I believe he may well lead a quiet and unassuming life. Perhaps he rises at 6, drinks a mug of coffee with the radio on, eats a slice or two of toast with honey, or possibly marmelade. Then he gets into a large estate car with a small air freshener in the shape of a popular cartoon animal dangling from the rear view mirror and drives to work. Indeed, so perfect is his cover that I can easily believe that noone in Melbourne has noticed who they are really dealing with: the endlessly experimental godfather of the Polanoid surrealist movement; the man who will never think himself too grand to personally wedge his own nose through the hole of a CD or cavort in the shower dressed only in a bowler hat and a large green apple. (Why, they say he even burps his own bandicoots - although I think that may just be a rumour).

sixblueten (San Francisco, US)

There is no truth in the rumours. I don't know this man. In fact, I suspect he's just a figment of his own imagination.

dimitris (Athens, GR)

But can a trout be talked about
And deemed not to be an entire trout,
When half the trout is not a trout
Due to some ancient messing about?

Is this wretched demi-trout,
Half asleep upon my snout,
Some vision from a drinking bout?

bluecitrusart (Los Angeles, US)

fake_palindrome (Delft, NL)

Fake_palindrome can:

Vomit on commando
Sell things
Become Peruvian
Sleep anywhere
Eat anything
Talk to furniture
Make rain
Seduce anyone

Fake_palindrome cannot:

Be resisted

polkadots (Paris, FR)

I admire their photographic style, I adore their hairstyles.

benrains (, )

Jarai has a huge gift. (He's not a bad photographer, either.)

docteurgio (Lyon, FR)

The man has clearly lost it. But he likes dogs, and anyone who likes dogs is a friend of mine.

Update: He doesn't like dogs.
Update 2: He loves dogs (almost as much as he likes impersonating gods)

ponte (Muenchen, DE)

Go tell her her feet are nice. Go on. Tell her.

matman (Goeteborg, SE)

A man with an evil twin who takes it up the chuff.

battavia (Paris, FR)

Proud owner of an imaginary golden thong.

philippebourgoin (Paris, FR)

She begged.

reddude945 (New York City, US)

Nautical PFIS member

chloe_searle (Cornwall, GB)

She has some fascinating and thoughtful collages. I'm a fan.

k_tenmiller (Pittsburgh, US)

Aaaah! Can't believe how long it took me to reciprocate. I thought I'd done this months ago. Sorry Kirsten!

Anyway, what can I say? Beautiful face, beautiful pictures. The Lady in the Lamplight,
the Bathsheba of the Blur, the Undine of the Unfocussed, the Garbo of the Glow, etc, etc.

patrick_winfield (, ) (South Pole, AQ)

Bastards. I hate them

Stefano (, )

Sanest piece of fruit in the whole damn basket, if you ask me.

cazzie (Cambridge, GB)

Little monkey.

Wezzoribrezzo (Reggio Emilia, IT)

Tender, poetic, beautiful shots AND a really silly name. What more could a Polanoider need?

arturo (Sevilla, ES)

His images are so simple, but so arresting. A man who seems to be bursting with ideas, with an original mind and a flair for the surreal.

baderpics (Brighton, GB)

frugorfoto (Boston, US)

Oh go on then.

polagem (Nottingham, GB)

She has a Mini. Do you hear me? She has A MINI. Now go away think about it.

abstract_patrick (New York, US)

Pathetic. Changing your name just to get onto my friends list twice. I hope you're thoroughly ashamed of yourself, young man

Lashes (Paris, FR)

Unique look, unique style, uniquely talented: one of the most distinctive Polanoiders in the universe.

Jay (West Zanzibar, IE)

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

loulou (Paris, FR)

Joakim (Montpellier, FR)

Queeniebee (Centreville, US)

She's good. I mean, DAMN, she's good.

rodeo (London, GB)

mattjudas (Levanto, IT)

niko (Home Island, CC)

ciarco79 (All over the world, IT)

The other Messiah.

orezemit (Roswell, US)

KneeBee (Wuerzburg, DE)

My dears, between you and me, you must watch your handbags around KneeBee. She's an incurable photoboothaholic. Yes, yes. It's true. Shhhh. She's coming back.

audret (Montpellier, FR)

Reyo (Paris, FR)

emilie79 (Paris, FR)

milkysoldier (Paris, FR)

RaymondMolinar (Los Angeles, CA, US)

g. (Hamburg, DE)

He's ever so slightly taller - not much - but it's still confusing.

birdclaws (Baltimore, US)

edward_drake (Sarasota, US)

tigalita (Berlin, DE)

CDR (Cornwall, GB)

Knows all about snails.

BastianK (Freyung, DE)

FrauWaldi (Stuttgart, DE)

milenka (München, DE)

nnini (Nashville, US)

LUDWIG (***, FR)

ralfi-berlin (Würzburg, DE)

recurrentdream (Los Angeles, CA, US)

The nocturnal wanderer and ghost whisperer, beguiled by the thoughts that deep water inspires.

ullo (Bruxelles, BE)

lawnsofdawns (Baltimore, US)

He knows his roasts and his arpegios and he lands on the ground like a superhero.

automatik (London, GB)

Freezing mist, warm skin, hot coffee, flaming concrete. Fragrant Polaroids in all the flavours of life.

cigio (Fidenza, IT)

esmarelda (Pennsylvania, US)

john_gee (Nevada, US)

louelise (Grenoble, FR)

charlynw (Toronto, CA)

Ohana (***, FR)

Frenchcockpit (Paris, FR)


crooke (Madrid, ES)

parahanga (Auckland, NZ)

dracula (., US)