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reddude945 2007-06-12 // 18:40:06

on one hand I don't like the anger and frenzy of the riots but I also don't like this, can't we have a *little* passion ALL the time people!? : )

reddude945 2007-06-11 // 19:15:38

stefan you should not have said that... now I have no choice but to dub this the "eyeball riot of June 2007"
: )

reddude945 2007-06-10 // 03:31:00

congrats polanoid we have had our second riot. : D

reddude945 2007-05-08 // 16:22:57

I survived the polanoid riot of 5/8/07.

now where can I get that on a bumper sticker?... LOL

bluecharlotte 2006-12-19 // 00:15:25

hey all. we had a holiday party this past saturday and what a riot it was! i decided to have some arts and crafts so i cut up my leftover magnetic sheeting and we took polas and cut them to make magnets. it was really fun. we also had painting and the one guy who wasn't drinking ended up making three nipple paintings. they truned out really great.

i am heading back to oregon for xmas tomorrow and hopefully will be able to still put up some shots while i am there. i bought my 7-year old nephew a 600 for christmas and i am so excited to give it to him. i'll let you all know how he likes it and maybe even be able to post some of his pics if he is into it.

thanks for all the recent comments everyone. merry christmas/whatever-you-celebrate-this-time-ofyear (even if it's your birthday)!

Milch 2006-09-14 // 17:14:28

I've designed a new private page.. since monday I've sat and drawn some graphics with a f**** wobbling mouse.

it's not finished but you can look at here:

anybody there who has a mouse too much?!

LiA 2006-06-16 // 11:47:25

And the debate goes on. And opinions are repeated and repeated. People build groups of anthipathy how every you spell that word, and taking sides has begun, splitting the "community" into multiple variations of Insiders and Outsiders. Protest by the Minorities that are not supported by the "great clique"(s) that does mass votings on what ever they decide on. An onlineMafia. And the discussion about democracy, society and politics as well as human nature has begun. The reason and sense of democracy is questioned. The value of many people liking a picture is regarded as less than one gigantic dictator chosing his favourite work. One opinion over the others. Neglecting the tools we have. The war about respect, honour and support has begun and the SotD again decorates the Newsfeed in burning subjective opinions. A revolt, a rebellion has formed against the system. And insurgency has formed against the rebellion that itself is already split into tiny groups of opinions and misunderstandings.

How will the grand trio react? Will there be the dictator again whom everybody screams for, ever since parts of democracy were tried to be integrated into this online group and started leading to similar problems of being ignored, overlooked and not honoured while the same people again and again collect the gigantic honour of the famous SotD? And of course it is their fault? Will there be a change? Will there be an "official statement"? Will the revolt continue and will they change strategy? Or will groups open up for other individuals? Will the community be one again? Will we be a polapatriotical lovecommunity understanding and accepting and ending in blissful harmony and indifference?

And, the final question,
what is a deserving and good polaroid?

Oh if god had not given us freewill, character and subjectivity things would be so much easier wouldn't they..

To be continued

lars.blumen 2006-02-28 // 13:50:13

*b-press release, 28th of February 2006.

PFIS // Polaroid Front 4 Instant Satisfaction
A new level of resistance has been formed at some point in these days: "PolaRIOTS“

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. SX-70 producers and SX-70 users coexisted in peace and respect. But since the end of SX-70 production was proclaimed by Polaroid, SX-70 producers and SX-70 users are on the verge of staying in constant opposition to one another. Worldwide resistance has turned up by the members of the so-called PFIS, so far just via the internet. But times are changing. As we get to know from good authority first excesses formed today in the streets.
Will the fight go on nonviolently? Future will show. „Patience is exhausted – rumours are afloat about the forming of SX-70 cell groups – we fear losing power over our members“ said centecente in an interview with *b-press today. He is the floater of the spam-polaroid-project „DON’T STOP SX-70!“, arranged in January 2006, one of the projects that developed to today’s PFIS. We believe supporting this project is a MUST DO!

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