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Member: bluecharlotte
Located: MinneapolisUS
Age: 49
Birthday: Jun 28.

Likes: music, photography, cooking, beer, vodka, movies, reading, travel, modern art, robots, dancing, silence, fruit flies, dictyostelium, furniture shopping, genetics, soft things, round things, the musical saw

About Me:
I bought my Pronto! on a whim in 2001. I have always been in love with photography, but had not taken any pictures myself for quite some time. When I saw what the Time-Zero film could do with light and color, I was hooked. I came to Minneapolis for graduate school and have only recently begun to take photos again. I am trying to keep myself in SX-70 film stock, but what is left of it is quickly exceeding my price range. I am currently in love with the 450 I recently picked up on ebay and am excited to get out on summer nights with the Nightcam that drew baker was amazing enough to procure for me.

I am an urbanite. I love concrete. glass and steel. I enjoy the aesthetic of the city and photgraphing the patterns and geometries that make up the urban setting. I am constantly amazed at the ability of our species to mold and shape our environment. The modern city represents the perfect experiment of human ingenuity and design. I love to photograph the objects people create and wonder about the inspiration behind them. Most of my work thus focuses on "artificial" as opposed to natural objects. I believe though that nature extends to our creations as we are a product of nature and have evolved to our current status just as other species have evolved to theirs. As the love and rockets song goes "you cannot go against nature because going against nature is part of nature too". We cannot create anything unnatural and therefore I see the objects I photograph as a part of the natural history of planet earth and hope that others can see in them the wonder of the human mind as I do.

150 (Entries)
bluecharlotte (Minneapolis, US)Member since (2006-12-04) Awards (4) Visitors/PixViews (7,415/95,645) News Posts (150) Uploads (294)