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reddude945 2007-11-26 // 15:00:01

WHAT!? I stage a brutal attack on the male ego and still no riot?
At least LiA made an effort...
I dont even know why I try anymore...
tsk tsk tsk : P

LiA 2007-11-26 // 11:57:53

Sorry, but:

Isn't it boring gender sh*t that in the new X POSED PROJECT there are only women beaten?

What the fuck? Men don't like it? And women love it?

Or what. Things like that piss me off. I mean the whole xposed-page is full of gender crap from our grandgrandgrandparents. Has no one learnt anything? if it weren't for the gays who mix it up at least slightly and some fetishists it would be worse. The rest is stuck in the standards of the past centuries and cannot escape the thought that women are generally the beaten ones, the photographed objects, the laughing cum-eaters, the happy blowjopers, the happy serving wifes and men generally the observers, peepers, dictators, phototakers and beaters???

And that section is about sexual liberation?? Sorry but I think I missed out on something. (yeah and DON'T mention the supposed lesbians licking each other and beating each other for the camera, who go home to their boyfriends after the guy took enough photos to get off)

The absolutely ONLY hetero/bisexual one who really seems free and in some sense by now equal is the girl from cambodia. I sometimes really think I should go and throw some stuff of my own just to get x-posed a counterbalance.


yeah, people will find this wrong and who am I to judge and what do I know about people's bedrooms. Right. I know as much as the photos tell. And that is quite a revealing thing. (obviously not talking bot the project only) Thought more people don't need fetish to arrive at an equal level sexually.
Or is it that the girls are neglecting their boys that the boys have to take the pics of their own willy in the sky? Actually, I think few get the fact that a man can be a sexy sex object as well, and beautiful too, and heck, I'd say they like it, so grab your cams and assault your boy's buttocks for a while. Thanks.

(Some waited for a riot. Let's see.)

zveliakine 2007-11-24 // 07:09:24

If we have a riot, nobody will enter suddenly anymore and give bad quotes with a loud voice... ;-(

...(except Tod, of course :-)

reddude945 2007-11-24 // 02:02:17

can we have an internet riot?
I miss our riots...

reddude945 2007-09-28 // 18:06:07

what no riot? You've all gone soft?
: (

P.S. that is NOT the kind of photo you share with friends much less post on the internet, though I don't think it's INTENDED to be kiddi porn...

reddude945 2007-09-28 // 17:50:27

Ahh I see I'm missing one of polanoids world famous riots!

Esther.Z.Schnickenacke 2007-09-21 // 12:38:43

Waxy will always be welcome, my child. For did the Webmeister himself not say: "He that cometh unto me with a bottom as waxy as a really waxy bit of wax shall enter the gates of my chamber."

And now I must depart. My chariot awaits.

reddude945 2007-08-06 // 18:39:52

I won't tell you what to do or what not to do,
But I would just like to point out that in the past polanoid has not been able to handle controversial issues. the last one was the worst to date the "eyeball" riot....
But more importantly the newsfeed is really for polaroid/polanoid related news.
I'll butt out now
Good luck with your cause : )

reddude945 2007-08-01 // 21:05:37

a common decency riot?
Now this I like! : )

reddude945 2007-06-18 // 21:48:27

valley forge was right, this riot is the worst because it got personal...

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