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Member: saraschelde
Located: KoldingDK
Age: 36
Birthday: Jun 28.

Likes: polaroids, music, sleeping, graphic design, vintage things, spooning, shopping, chocolate, boys, ebay

About Me:
i'm sara, aged nineteen. from denmark.
i'm shop-a-holic, when it comes to vintage stuff and shoes in general.
i like my computer, illustrator and photoshop too.

my friend kasper troels, he's on too, showed me the world of polaroids, and i love it.
i'm lucky these days, finding a lot of cameras in charity shops.
i have 5 cameras:
. polaroid image system camera
. polaroid impulse camera
. polaroid supercolor 635CL camera
. polaroid closeup 636 camera
. polaroid amigo 620 camera


if anyone have any experiences with toycams (holgas), please contact me. i'm thinking of buying one.

thank you.

Nice URL's:
this is my space!

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saraschelde (Kolding, DK)Member since (2007-11-20) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (4,054/6,131) News Posts (3) Uploads (15)