

..befriended by 12 noidies
infinitwooo   1/ 1

Member: infinitwooo
Located: HAM->MUCDE
Age: 51
Birthday: May 18.

Likes: polaroids

About Me:
The infinitwooo is a very mysterious and powerful entity and it's mystery is exceeded only by it's power.
Its the infinity beyond the infinite...ehm...just a way to restart the infinity-project. :-)

The Project:

A picture-in-picture photo project among polanoid members. I take a picture and send it to the next participant. They take a picture that includes the one I sent them. They send the pic they took to the next member... Simple.

Everybody is invited to participate

I would like to introduce a new Project rule: Please add the dates of the days when you receive the letter with the picture and the date on which you sent it to the next participant. So in the case of delay it can be checked wether the postal service is lazy, or ehmm. you know. :-)

Ok: The infinitwoonauts:

Picture 0 is sent on december 1st.

0,5. noidmeister noah
1. Orezemit
2. Coxinel
2.5 g.
3. Esther.Z.Schnickenacke
4. Zveliakine
5. Ciarco 79
6. Edulterado
7. Ullo
8. Yuma
9. Wish
10. Goddamnanalog
12. loss.of.light
13. Elwaxa
14. tigalita

7 (Entries)
infinitwooo (HAM->MUC, DE)Member since (2011-11-30) Awards (0) Visitors/PixViews (3,418/2,634) News Posts (7) Uploads (5)