audret (Montpellier, FR)

Hugh Whitaker (, )

Sometimes he's not sure about things.

philippebourgoin (Paris, FR)

Complex mix of layered sexuality and photographic experimentation.

RRRiga (Riga, LV)

Friendship accepts no borders.

(physically - geographically - virtually)

colourspace (Warwick, GB)

no schizo at all!

witzlin (Goeteborg, SE)

CDR (Cornwall, GB)

He won't write to me again until he has decided if he can write filth for me or not.

I am waiting. Still.

Strangefields (?, GB)

She grabs Gents by the balls.

OuroborosX (New York, US)

Sensitive soul. open hearted. collector of photographic awards...
Manufacturer of some of the best triple Lomo pictures I've ever seen.

emilie79 (Paris, FR)

She is beautiful. And so are her Polaroids.

missingshow (Cardiff, GB)

Without knowing it from one another, we blended women with table cloth patterns.

The world is not ready for us yet.

curiousme (London, GB)

This girl with no name is young, friendly and talented. I especially like her b&w double exposures and her Jugendstil manipulated portraits.

TIBO (75, FR)

ausra (Vilnius, LT)

zveliakine (***, FR)

Sometimes we discuss matter that can't bear the light of the day.

Reyo (Paris, FR)

his creativity both impresses and inspires me

CecileA (Thonon-les-Bains, FR)

A brilliant student.
She totally hates my hotel shots. I bet she isn't very fond of my flowers either.

(Beware she steals your taxi while you're looking at it, but she's a perfect host. I have to give her that.)

LUDWIG (***, FR)

TicKL-magazine (Wien, AT)

Fabulous - Sublime

(for perverts and wannabe artists)

sakkiko (London, GB)

Sexy devil.

abstract_patrick (New York, US)

Mozaiek Man thinks in many directions.

He comes and goes. When he comes he brings new surprises.

JanWolstenholme ((), IE)

High maintenance. Trouble seeker. Faux Taoist.

I like him nevertheless. Most of the time.

polarsteve (Baden-Baden, DE)

Frenchcockpit (Paris, FR)

bruni (Berlin, DE)


inkaust (Krakow, PL)


wish (Civitanova marche, IT)

Melech.Gueldenstern (Berlin, DE)

Theatre is never far away. Seductive man power. Drag queen.

We are each other's fan.

LiA (Wien, AT)

Intriguing woman. Talent to spare. Not my friend. We can't stand each other. I just don't want to miss her pictures.

merge (Portland, OR, US)

Heil to the experiment.

satanic57 (London, GB)

My son Lucy. We were lomo family once.

joe (Wien, AT)

An oiled machine we were, those rare moments when we worked together.

Norah.Goldenbogen (, )

The best female artist around here. Without competition.
I am her sunday woman and she is the mother of my Pipi Monster. Sometimes I bleed for her.
The size of her tits are a well kept secret even though she's always naked in my dreams.

holgaroids (Parma, IT)

Barry Gibb in person. No self-respecting friends list can be without him.

mattjudas (Levanto, IT)

The man with the diva girlfriends.

charlynw (Toronto, CA)

Best of Toronto.

mme.Xposed (Varna, BG)

Superhero failure. A mighty irresistible one.

piotr_zastrozny (Sopot, PL)

In absolute awe for his camera obscura work.

Joannes (Limoges, FR)

His little gallery contains some of the best Polaroids here on this site. Browsing through his pictures is pure quality time. He shares my interest in donkeys.

LEjovik (Baltimore, US)

She's a bit of an idealist...
So i have been told.

booombooom (Hellemmes, FR)

We love people. And their faded portraits.

stuckw_steffi (***, FR)

Great artist
Inspiring soul

Gentle madame

artpunk (Melbourne, AU)

Polaroidic wolverine & member of PFiS. A bit macho. His Cuban guerrilla style makes him a much desired lady's man.

wil6ka (Hamburg, DE)

Herr Willy. We share Chinese memories. He once introduced me to Herr Flo. One day I'm going to be the French speaking protagonist in one of his movies. Now all i gotta do is learn how to speak French.

mixed_pickles (, )

Can't keep up with her.

Sofortbild-Shop-Berlin (Berlin, DE)

The place where it all happens. Germany will be too small.

noidmeister (Wien, AT)

ROB (Kirchseeon, DE)

Top POP quality.

centecente (Cremona, IT)

Every cent a great artist!
Com'on Cente, stop hiding your super hero Polaroid rainbow cat suit under your formal alibi sweater. We all know that you are our saver.

antouane (, )

Mis en scénariste. Timide styliste. Gentil garçon. Touche de classe. Parisien silencieux. Ami.

hektor (Paris, FR)

Thoughtful use of filters. Wonderful compositions.

daniele (Bologna, IT)

Sometimes we swap originals. Master artist.

RaymondMolinar (Los Angeles, CA, US)

LATELIERp (Stockholm, SE)


(One day I'll meet him and we'll produce the best joined shoot ever.)

scootiepye (Newcastle upon Tyne, GB)

The big example, grant in Lomo, only a matter of time until she'll knock us off our Pola feet. Drinks a lot though.

bonnie (Ann Arbor, US)

My NEWFAUX beat generation sistah. Grande dame in many ways. Sensitive lady with a heart bigger then America itself. Skilled table dancer on wedding occasions. Must be fed a scandal on regular basis.

themonkeyking (Dahab, EG)

Rikkie from Antwerp writes the craziest emails.

desao (Chester, GB)

The man of 15 reasons.

lazyeye (Reykjavik, IS)

Great photographer, but what a head.

SteveTilbury (London, GB)

frugorfoto (Boston, US)

Tessa's got métier.

Uri.Ben.Estelleciento (Willemstad, AN)

a sacred misbirth

should have been baptised uri.ben.influenzia, but was bribed by the new faux jewish sibling.

Reindeer (, )

Ethereal. Don't dare to breath or she'll be gone again.

[He chooses words before speaking. With bureaucratic accuracy.

Close up boy. Patient boy. Handstand boy. Cowboy. Barbed wire boy. Piss boy. Mud boy. Ladder boy. Elevator boy. Bath tub boy. Door bell boy. Nipple hair boy. Shy boy. Happy boy. Hurt boy. Longing boy.
I know of no better boy to be in the pouring rain with. ]

birdclaws (Baltimore, US)

A boy without friends.

lars.blumen (Berlin, DE)

Director of the worldwide successful series: DAYS OF OUR LIVES. The man eats too little (merely a left over of chocolate cake now and then) or sleeps hardly ever a night through. A great talent but lost Polaroid junk. He recently joined the PFIS forces. I call him my Bluemchen.
He is a daddy now.

tigalita (Berlin, DE)


BastianK (Freyung, DE)


marlene (Autobahn nach C, AT)

Junkfrau und muse.

filippo.changes.his.clothes (***, IT)

A man and his plan.

M0rph3u (Jersey City, US)

can't wait till he starts uploading, my gentle portuguese brotha..

(ssssssssss, this morning he did)

Shlomo.Ben.Jussuf (Berlin, DE)

ShlOmO the Original BedOuin. Great leader, wise Guru and tutor of sistah Norah. Pleasantly disturbed mit-founder of the PFIS movement. Likes to dress up and to rebirth (is this a verb?).

JamieBrown (Newcastle upon Tyne, GB)

I love his work and attitude. His girlfriend has a dirty mouth.

WoMoW (Padova, IT)

Her pictures take my breath away.

lorseau (Frankfurt, DE)

Converted former male chauvinist. Admirer of miss Ellie Ewing and obscure American folk music. Followed the beautiful Eloïse to the other side of civilization and ended up in Frankfurt of all places. Vanishes at least one day in the week to unknown places. I never asked where to.

Fab (Milano, IT)

He says inspiring things about my polas
(I'm sensitive for flattery).
Never make the mistake to call him Fabricio, cause in reality he's Pointing Finger Fab (PFIS member).

He's the owner of one of my Magdalenas.

currywurst (Boeblingen, DE)

He is the only currywurst I know who's married to a vegetarian celery!!

What a mistake!!

yuanreva (Jakarta, ID)

Cute Robot man.

Rio (Berlin, DE)

Boy from Berlin (Wants to mask me every time he sees me.)

esmarelda (Pennsylvania, US)

A persona.

lhirondelle (Hanoi, VN)

Boris transforms girls into princesses.

arnevandermeer (Düsseldorf, DE)

Gentle man with a big heart for analogue photography.

tschuli (St.Petersburg, RU)

My 'not so ugly at all' Princess, child of the technological revolution: tschuli is everything I seek in a girl. She might never get married but at least she owns a house at the Black Sea.
('Thank u Santa Maria, Saggrada Familia, Marelin Monroe and John Kennedy!' for dropping her on my capricious path.)

ciarco79 (All over the world, IT)

Marvelous pin maker.

pfis.actionismus (Wien, AT)

The Elite.

(We crawl the Viennese streets for the good Polaroid cause while we fuck smelling plastic sex dolls for artistic reasons.)

sikost (Saint-Raphael, FR)

i do not understand everything he does but i find him quite intriguing. monsieur sikost has made one of the best self portraits I've ever seen. and he's quite gentle. but odd nevertheless.

rueduFrou (75020, FR)

PvonB (Paris, FR)

aurelienD (Paris, FR)

Le mec génial dont au début je pensais qu'il était fille.

(Père du bonome - source d'inspiration inimitable)

Henrypierre (La Clayette, FR)

The man who writes such moving picture critiques, one can impossibly resist.

no1wantsreality (New Mexico, US)

Kind sender of collectible photo album. A bit of a bad of a procrastinator though.

fritz (Wien, AT)

A brilliant photographer. We converse on the phone about pictures and whore madams.

petere (Tyresö, SE)

AboyAgirl (***, FR)

Sexy couple makes original artwork to feed their hungry and still growing blog.

brianmilo (Chicago, US)

No fucking rock & roll bullshit artist, I swear!!

pieter.b (Marvao, PT)

The careless fixer.

niko (Home Island, CC)

Jumping Niko.

mm (Gent, BE)

Maatje uit Gent.

crooke (Madrid, ES)

Has some great Polaroids on his conscience.

edulterado (Barcelona, ES)

Great photographer. Bad scanner

Alvertigo (Palma de Mallorca, ES)

doc (Wien, AT)

I do his dirty jobs.

WebMeister (Wien, AT)

Father Founder of our Pola Universe.

My.Iowa (., US)

A girl from the city. She writes Salads. Sane Salads.


We know how it feels to love unconditionally.

Jay (West Zanzibar, IE)

We've got a virtual friend thing going on.

alexxx (Niort, FR)

brittanymarkert (San Francisco, CA, US)

geerdinck (Hengelo, NL)

a very gentle dutch man (a virgin, just like me). produces some of the finest sexy polaroids I've seen here on this site.

poki (Martonvasar, HU)

His tableaux speak of beauty and mastership.

He votes on my pix on simple request. Therefore one of the BEST friends I have around here!

PEPITE (Lille, FR)

Lady boomboooooooooom.

dier (Bassano del grappa, IT)

Inspiring experimental artist. Good looking and not afraid of sharing his techniques.

m6 (Above the clouds, FR)

Fabulous work. Highly original.

David_S (Glasgow, GB)

kind man, loving father, makes stunning lady portraits

betzalel (Reggio Emilia, IT)

one of the biggest creative talents i've met here on this site. he leaves me speachless with every visit I pay him.

chrisdeblock (Antwerpen, BE)

She accepted my proposal.

fmalck (Delft, NL)

A friendly spirit. I consider hiring him as my agent as he's very thorough in promoting my work.

lets_explode (California, US)

Esther.Z.Schnickenacke (Muenchen, DE)

Language artist. Brilliant mind. To be kept away from children and sensitive people when drunk.

Jakob.Salomon (Muenchen, DE)

I pitty this leprose.

FILIPPO (Viterbo, IT)

The eternal student, a very good pupil. He calls me Madame as a sign of respect.

dracula (., US)

moonalisa (Angouleme, FR)

She's got the attitude. And the sex.

Rebekka.Liebekind (Muenchen, DE)

An expert in Brussels matters and a liebhaber of Indian spinach.

joster (Countryside, SE)

Razor sharp this boy, both his insight and tongue.

maple.thorn (, )

Many words unspoken.

francesco132 (Padova, IT)

Sometimes support comes from a very unexpected corner.

Talented people. And so very pretty.

zinzi (Paname, FR)

A drunken soldier. Cannot be relied on but he likes my soft kisses.

g. (Hamburg, DE)

G dot understands nuances.

rodeo (London, GB)


ullo (Bruxelles, BE)

A movie and noise maker.


Anarquista generoso y muy simpático.

Lashes (Paris, FR)

Lashes is a creative cocktail of sex and tenderness.

Lajos Gombos (Budapest, HU)

Skull man from Budapest. Talent to spare.

joel (Bierges, BE)

a jewish belgian who spends his saturday nights watching turkish porn might seem superficial at first sight, if it weren't that he recognises and determines XI century flemish art within the blink of an eye. he's a man with a carton feeling.

crêpes are pannenkoeken in flemish!

nnini (Nashville, US)

ABC (, )

so much frailty in one collection, a most lovely project

(in which my elephant feet instinctively avoid to step)

vadim (Charleroi, BE)

The man from Charleroi. He lives near a poisonous lake. That's why all his hair fell out.

milkysoldier (Paris, FR)

Picture dreamer.

lordsuicide (Barcelona, ES)

Bionic man talks a very minimal but lascivious English. He has some terrific high class sexy images.

simplicissimus (Wien, AT)

Gorgeous introspections. This woman gives a lot.

retina (Koeln, DE)

We simultaneously spoke different languages to each other while she was painting her toe nails in dymo colours.

Vicktor (Paris, FR)

He once had a fling with a hotel sign.

jimsnade (Muenchen, DE)

I consider him as a sex object for my filthiest fantasies. I use and abuse his body for this cause.

He is my Mister Friend.

swkitt (Toulouse, FR)

mathieu (Bordeaux, FR)

The faux Fab. Writes on azerty keyboards only.

orezemit (Roswell, US)

My overseas post office.

dimitris (Athens, GR)

His comments make me feel good. He's a gamer. A funny one. He smells like fish. and garlic. But that is not his fault. His whole country smells this way.

superficielle (Marseille, FR)

Suuupi is one piece of energy and lava stream French. It is only a pity that she has long hairs growing between her breasts.

But nobody can be perfect and I'm not difficult.

ralfi-berlin (Würzburg, DE)

He likes to check which songs I used to sing.

Daphne (Jackson, MS, US)

She seems to experiment as a way of being.

Ettore (Treviso, IT)

di un soffio di vento
per iniziare a ondeggiare.

Mrlavinyl (Madrid, ES)

lilhaga (Marseille, FR)

A shit recycler.

rabbitandsparrow (New York, US)


rommel (New York City, US)

silvana (***, )

A passionated woman. Friendly. She loved macs.

spitocco (, )

The diva. Owner of a gay friendly pendant. Manipulates his sexy pola's and body with much subtility. Esteemed PFIS member and dedicated follower of the self-hostage philosophy.

ps: a good boy. He ONLY shares secrets with his mokka preferita!!!

myrussiantoy (***, )

Sugar Sweet.

Soreal (***, FR)

fake_palindrome (Delft, NL)

Sex doll movement expert. No one else can make a doll rub her little nipples so nicely and vividly.

Urizen (Berlin, DE)

Uri the Sickness makes art work hot as tango. inventive as hell. Nice and open about his techniques. Intelligent and full of humour. my kind of guy.
Founding co-member of the PFIS movement. He used to be hairy. Practising to become a worthy Handzilla.

sixblueten (San Francisco, US)

'To think otherwise is to be wrapped in a blinding scarf of politically correct ignorance.'

Tod's a thinker. A clever man. A committed man.

A man with his heart where his mouth is. Big mouth, small heart. I find him funny and inspiring. Once he sent me stickers. For free.

Sarita (Padova, IT)

Sara132. Beautiful, intelligent and above all very friendly.

macs (, )

An old soul. His pictures speak of consideration.

TheGentlemanAmateur (London, GB)

The soft focus specialist.

dadajim (Stuttgart, DE)

Half a man. His love for 'non-perfect analogue picture taking' makes up for the part he's missing. He is the future organizer of the German SX-70 love parade.

matman (Goeteborg, SE)

He's a friend of the two Petit Thomasses.

(+ He's mentally disturbed and confuses Polaroid members on regular basis)

morganx99 (Madrid, ES)

anyone who jumps out of nowhere on a friday night full of heineken, to entertain me with his political views on the world, can consider himself a friend of mine. responsible for printing and spreading our manifesto in pocket sized polaroid flyers.

drewbaker (Los Angeles, US)

A constant value of quality.

benrains (, )

He created the vacancy of Demi God. And then occupied it too. He might have settled for Polaroid pontiff too, but that would give him too much of an attitude and besides, cumulating functions is not allowed in my realm. He has an interesting.....euh, huge personality.