anniebee (New York City, US)

Seriously one of the friendliest Polamonkies out there.

sx70manipulator (, )

Oh my god. This guy, his manipulations, the crazy blues. Goddamn.

louobedlam (Los Feliz, CA, US)

A true master of portraits—one of the few whose work I actually want to see every shot of. Hilarious guy, and man-gorgeous.

sixblueten (San Francisco, US)

This man is truly Brilliant. A master of messages.

davebias (New York City, US)

Wears hats extremely well. Extremely. Extremely eloquent. Violently verbose.

granthamilton (Iowa City, US)

it's this guy's fault I'm here. if I had never seen his work, I might never have picked up a Polaroid camera.

revivify (Portland, OR, US)

Mohawks FTW

seattlebonvivant (Seattle, US)

shellygrrl (Maine, US)

She's Shelly. She take-a the good pictures, no? Da. Da, dahlink.

tubes (Minneapolis, US)

Some of the sweetest, funniest shots around. A master of the small photo set.

Kat.White (Sydney, AU)

traskblueribbon (Eugene, US)

This rollin' bowlin' S.O.B. has some of the coolest, freakiest Pola-cameras and Pola-pictures I have ever seen.

Zekki (, )

Ilovethe1970s (Overland Park, US)

Shag carpet & leisure suits.

birdclaws (Baltimore, US)

emilie79 (Paris, FR)

le wow.

solexposure (Montana, US)

Fabulous lady with magic eyes.

moominsean (Phoenix, US)

Master of the desert landscapes.

rivet (Pasadena, US)

ohheygreat (San Francisco, US)

She's great, really. Wonderful person, gifted photographer, talented with the profanity.

coxinel (., )

recurrentdream (Los Angeles, CA, US)

He sells seashells by the seashore. Or so he would have you believe…

girl.x (Chicago, US)

An great person, amazing photographer. Incredibly kind, compassionate, caring, wünderbar. A truly rare friend.

got2knit (Oakland, US)

Talented to the nines, smart as a whip, hilarious, and drop-dead gorgeous.