10 out of neilpatrick's 16 favourite polas in random order.
(click the 'pola-vorites' tab again to see anotha random ten; click on one of the thumbnails to see all of neilpatrick's pola-forites)
1 day old - 10 years old (sx70.dk)

venezia (AnnaSlava)

Mediterranean dunes (andrea.campi)

really lovely shot. is the blue from a filter, the sky, or just because it was cold? I can't tell if this is sand or snow!
WE LOVE AGA ! (Frenchcockpit)

The neighbours (swkitt)

Mlle C. (Frenchcockpit)

There's no such thing as peace of mind (RhettRedelings)

Mlle S. (Frenchcockpit)

70's Fotoautomat / Selfportrait #3 (Mrlavinyl)

Fantômette ! (philippebourgoin)