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Member: RhettRedelings
Located: San RafaelUS
Age: 55
Birthday: Apr 01.

Likes: art, photography, landscapes, cars, faces, impressionism, polapainting, empathy, generosity, metaphor

About Me:
I think of myself as an artist/photographer rather than a Polaroid aficionado and by this I mean that the end result is more important to me than the tools or the process. I'm not a purist. I'm interested in doing whatever it takes to make an evocative piece of art while striving to achieve and maintain a kind of artistic authenticity. I don't do HDR, not because it's beneath me but because I think it's ugly. I do however adjust levels and such because my scanner is terrible and I can't afford to replace it.

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RhettRedelings (San Rafael, US)Member since (2010-02-06) Awards (10) Visitors/PixViews (4,113/77,417) News Posts (0) Uploads (157)