Past Project (2007-07-31 till 2007-08-07)
"Every dog has it's day" they say - and "There's life in the old doc yet".. But if we would wait for sleeping doc to wake up and finally put a new project online, summer with its wondaful dog days would long be over and sledge dogs would start bark at the first snowflakes. As a tribute to the sleeping top dog, please upload your bestest caninest polaroids: pictures of lap dogs, sausage dogs, savage docs, german police dogs, appenzeller mountain dogs, drowsy car window nodding docs.. Be careful and do it silently - "Don't wake the sleeping doc!"
Winning Picture:
"POPAJ" by Ivan
 kalle's submissions 
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kalle (London, GB)Member since (2006-01-29) Awards (1) Visitors/PixViews (3,776/76,162) News Posts (115) Uploads (167)