2008-04-30 // 01:42:58
Ben mon cochon:)!!!
j'ai même pas honte, en plus

2008-03-28 // 23:36:49

2008-03-28 // 23:26:48
this is beautiful. don't think i will be saving any room in my fridge for the ilforoid though....
you will, when Ilford announce the discontinuity of the Ilforoid a few years from now

2008-03-19 // 22:17:49
comment ce faire des enemis??? montrer une réserve de pola aussi conséquente !!!!!
dire que je trime pour en trouver, je vais faire un casse chez toi !!!

j'ai engagé une milice privée, et j'ai miné les alentours.
je ne dors plus, je monte la garde DEVANT le frigo.

2008-03-01 // 21:08:32
hi! i was thinking of doing the same..;) what temperature do you have it on??
the minimum
i did not mesure it, but i guess it's around 4 to 6°c

2008-03-01 // 14:15:25


I guess I will come alone anyway just thought I'd ask :-)
Hope you and your family are all happy and fine?

little baby anatole is sick, and everyone else is affraid of getting sick by kissing him too much (but it's so hard to resist...)
apart from that, yes, evrything is just fine !
best regards Lia, and hope to see you and your instant camera real soon. Will be fun to have "on the set" pics made by you.

2008-03-01 // 14:10:32
well yeah :-)
I read your guestbook comment
can I bring my friend for a bit? at some point?
probably she has no time anyway.
I'll look into them all and see what is happening on my side of the unorganised organisation :-D

it depends on where and what we are shooting. I cannot bring in too many guests. And be aware that sometimes, being on a set can be really boring : the more action there is, the slower it goes.
You just tell me and I will tell you

2008-03-01 // 11:05:40
I always wanted to fuck lucifer so I guess I gotta work on that so JEALOUSY JEALOUSY JEALOUSY :-)
oh my my !
what a girl !

2008-02-29 // 23:38:49
ah one of those trips...
we were hunting a bit as well...
maybe you should form a huntin party and go for the "road-trip-feeling"! ;-)

2008-02-29 // 21:32:47
true, but one shouldn't forget the (really) short term "planning" either. :-)
On the sort term issue, I plan to go out tomorow and keep on hunting for abandonned films. Still a little place left ...

2008-02-29 // 21:01:56
is that supposed to be some kind of (very) early april fool's joke?
nowadays, polaroid fans have to see in the veeeeeery long distance

2008-02-29 // 12:19:36
But which day in April 2019?
Have to check my schedule, I might have some free days left.
8 PM sounds like a good time, though!

how about the 1st ?

2008-02-28 // 19:42:11
there is no polaroid dealer in Isreal... we can order 780 films in special order... most of my films come from unsaleable of from usa by friends... but I got some packages in my fridge....

save polaroid

2008-02-28 // 13:47:06
jealousy jealousy jealousy
jealousy is a sin
beware of eternal damnation !

2008-02-28 // 09:51:11
love this one... i wish i had so many packs of polaroids in ny fridge....
i hope you'll get as many
most of these film were bought as bargain sales, so I guess everybody can do the same (I just hope you live in a place with local dealers)

2008-02-27 // 19:54:18
It is at least a good, creative bet. According to a source of mine close to this whole Pola ordeal, one of the more important issues at hand is not only the film, but the battery plant that has already been cleared out. I haven't heard much discussion about that here, but selling the licenses for the film to Fuji or Ilford would still leave the power source issue up in the air for all integral formats.
you're right
i'm keeping also my used batteries in the fridge, from now on !!!

2008-02-27 // 18:48:18
Sorry for the vagueness...I'm currently hunting a new job, so I have no funds with which to stockpile instant gold!
sorry for that, amigo
hope you'll find one very quick
anyway I did it because I can do it, but i'm not sure it's a good idea. if any company get the business from polaroid, I will have a lot of expired film and no money left to buy some fresh amazing new Ilforoid or Fujiroid. it's a bet, I can loose in the end.

2008-02-27 // 18:04:52

Charming Zvevi, you are charming, and charismatic!

I didn't see the beer in the other photo, but as any beer lover will tell you - "Old beer is better than NO beer"!

And, a fridge full of Polaroid is better than ANY beer!!!

After all, there's always wine.

plenty of !

2008-02-27 // 17:37:25
This...this...yikes. Unemployment sucks...
??? what do you mean exactly ?

2008-02-27 // 17:25:36

Ahhh, just read the beer comment.
What about for guests?
I'll be there next tuesday.

i got so many new friends up to visit me since this upload
amazing !
that must be because i'm so charismatic

2008-02-27 // 15:53:14
gotcha. Viva la Polaroid

2008-02-27 // 15:45:28
That is dedication. I only hope that you have at least one more more for the beer.
i do not like beer, so I got some more room ;-)

2008-02-27 // 14:39:43
damn.... i thought you're kidding about buying a new fridge to stock all the polaroid films... haha but.. ehm.. yeah!! you're definitely NOT kidding and phew.. dunno what to say. this is like polaroid paradise. don't waste them. ....... :)
i will not.
promised !
i really want to be among the last polanoiders to upload true polas while this site will gradually be a zink one

2008-02-27 // 12:57:18
it makes me so sick to see other peoples stocks
sorry about that
i'm the kind of squirrel guy
in this case as in many others

as I said before, half of it is just film I got from local dealers at very cheap price. I'm quite sure that anyone can do the same with a little time and patience

2008-02-27 // 11:10:05
well, when did you want to invite me to your place again? ;-)
(you are a freak! but in a positive way! :-) )

let's say
april 2019 ?
8 pm sharp ?

2008-02-27 // 10:49:22
The only feeling I have right now is envy. But then I guess you already know that.
envy is a sin
go to your local church and ask for forgivness
then go to your local photodealer... AND BUY IT ALL !!!!!

2008-02-27 // 10:37:33
C'est effrayant, t'en as plus qu'il n'y en a dans tout le boulevard beaumarchais....
boulevard beaumarchais, c'est quand même un peu des voleurs. Les prix, c'est juste du délire

2008-02-27 // 09:02:36
Yes I see it now - like a hair, as Arne says, or maybe some kind of crack - but I am not sufficiently technically minded to be able to analyse it properly. I am very envious of all your film; I have no spare fridge storage space so have to buy small amounts only and must resign myself to the fact that when the Polaroid film is gone, that will be it - but hopefully Fuji will still make peel apart film; they make one type in 4x5 format as well!

2008-02-26 // 23:58:22
..here I..
keep my mouth shut.

welcome to the club.

sidenote: I'm thinking about extra-vacuum-sealing them with one of those kitchen-thingies, just to be on the safe side...had quite some quite fresh, but just expired bw packfilms which were already dry... dunno if it was just bad luck or latest productions are just not that good sealed anymore. what do you think?

happy polaroiding, zvevi!

p.s. don't look at the fridge too often for too long. consider to get one with a glass door than ;-)

well, if i have to seal them all, i will need to take some holidays and buy a fourth fridge...
maybe in a few years, when then got a little bit empty :-(
it's probably a good thing, or at least it can't be bad to do it...

2008-02-26 // 23:42:43
dans l'excellent sens du terme, bien entendu !

mais j'étais plus new wave que Helene et les garçons ;-)

2008-02-26 // 23:34:18
WebMeister m'a déjà fait cette remarque, comme quoi je l'avais déjà comparé à mon mari...
Il est vrai que vous, Webbo et Philippe : »link
(en 1992) avez quelque chose de commun...
Cet oeil coquin (bon, ok, pas sur la photo en link, il a l'air destroy, ce qui est incompréhensible puisqu'il vient de me rencontrer;)),
cet oeil pervers diraient les jaloux;)
Enfin bref vous êtes des cinglés, quoi HA HA !

2008-02-26 // 23:21:25
just perfect!
i know
when I feel depressive, i just open the fridge and sit in front of it
life is wonderful.

2008-02-26 // 23:08:00
A glimpse of paradise : all these films, you know;)
My husband wanted to do the same picture this summer when he had TONS of films but he decided... No... "people might get upset & jealous"... He's paranoid ! I'm not jealous !
vf for this glimpse of paradise;)

most of these films were bought for a very cheap price. Now, I guess it's not anymore possible, prices have dramatically increased. I've seen 600 film for 19 euros here, and in the USA it's 2 dollars more than before... so i'm quite happy to have done it before.

NB : this is the second time you compare me with your husband, CG.... :-)

2008-02-26 // 23:07:07
hmm..looks like a hair or something..funny.
yes, but it's quite steady from a shot to another, and always similar... I can't see how it could be in the lense...

2008-02-26 // 22:59:51
ok. it´s official..i´m not that insane, as i thought - looks like that there are other nutcases of polaroid-hoarders out there. *G*

yes, that is some sort of nonsense, I agree
but it's so good to keep any kind of "tradition" alive ;-)

2008-02-26 // 22:59:39
I don't understand what you mean, they look fine to me. I am shooting with my 180 at the moment and I like it so much, almost as good as the 600SE (and not so heavy to carry when I go on holiday!)
look at my 3 polas : same stripe lower left side...

2008-02-26 // 22:59:13
C'est impressionnant!
J'ai à peine de quoi remplir mon compartiment pour les oeufs... Et il y a tellement de chasseurs depuis quelques semaines qu'il va peut être falloir que je songe à remettre en service mon Kiev 60 histoire de passer à autre chose... Ou que je me décide à acheter un bon numérique...

un an de chasse ininterrompue, mais le gibier se fait rare, et si au début on faisait quelques belles affaires, désormais les prix grimpent. ca reste quand même en dessous de ce qu'on peut payer sur ebay....
... non non non : il ne faut pâs cèder au numérique. Il reste l'instax, qui a de beaux jours devant lui (pas cher et pas mal du tout) et le FP100, une très bonne pelloche... allons allons....