2010-08-25 // 21:48:39
very cool! :)
i love comments on old pics, it give me confidence in Polanoid.
Thanks a lot

2010-01-13 // 07:48:33
this is great
time goes by...

2010-01-03 // 12:21:22
I think I'll steal the concept, if you dont mind.

that was not my idea, but webbo's. Another project, two years ago (see LIL'ME NOW and Then" in the project list. A great time.

2008-03-15 // 06:52:34
tout ce que j'aime est là:
araki,whisky,lingerie,bier e,cigarettes,macintoch et polaroid

a life style ;-)

2008-02-12 // 01:19:37
youre aging well
doing my best....
(but not sure the cigarette will help)

2008-02-12 // 01:19:04
very filmic.. starving artiist-ish. Cigarette must stay -for effect.
Very cool

2008-02-10 // 14:41:26
no more words

yes, those days were quite rock n'roll

2008-02-10 // 09:24:22
Your dyptiches are really cool! But I have to choose so: v+f for this one, just because I love your maudit mood in 80's shot (too much literature in my head...). I have to tell you that you look great in both portraits but I'm just waiting for a Lil'me with this one »link which is one of my favourites. Ciao!!!
ok, i will do it !
done !

2008-02-09 // 23:55:42
uhhh. this is *the* lamp we all know, ya? =)
both of them are very nice. but i have to tell you: you're eyes are getting worse because of the mac and the light.. but it doesn't matter. because on the other hand... you stopped drinking? and. araki instead of some "nice magazines". good..! :)

glasses are just the normal consequence of being almost 50.
Cigarette is another problem, the real writer's disease

2008-02-09 // 18:38:34
i like the evolution from the 80's hulster style magazines to the lucky hole from Araki beside your work station ;-)
hustler was a joke at the time.
I was more into "les cahiers du cinema", "starfix" and "zoom".
...but that does not mean I was never looking at Hustler magazine...

2008-02-08 // 15:58:38
J'aime la petite lampe (qui figure déjà dans Manfinity), l'abondance de Polaroids éparpillés, et le Mac (j'avais le même, recyclé en poste de télévision depuis l'automne dernier). Quant à la version bukovskienne, c'est surtout la fatigue dans le regard qui lie la sauce!
oui je l'aime cette petite lampe
et je grille pas mal de pola
va falloir que je calme pour faire durer, vu les nouvelles ;-(

2008-02-08 // 10:37:26
Ha ha - brilliant :)) Not sure about progress though, in my retro mind a typewriter will always have more "feel" to write a book on. Interesting interview with Tom Hanks - he collects and uses typewriters for all his work and letters, takes a portable one all over the world with him when filming etc. Anyway a big fat vote from me - Hurrah VF
only problem : it was very noisy. i used to write at night until very early in the morning.
Luckily my neighbours were two old ladies, a bit deaf, who told me it was no problem with them...

2008-02-08 // 08:34:28
T'as trop lu/bu bukowski zvevi !

hips !

2008-02-08 // 05:39:43
This is so great as a diptych...that hair cut from '84! Honestly, it almost looks like you went into hiding in a bunker in '83 to protect yourself from Big Brother and were stuck in there for a year, cutting your own hair with shears...and thats a good thing
if you like fancy haircuts, please have a look at my project "yesterday"
lot of good hairy stuff there !

2008-02-08 // 04:16:23
un peu plus de confort et des lectures qui ont évolué !
chouette en tout cas...

un projet qui va donner des vues sympas !!

merci merci !
enfin un projet spécial "vétérans" !

2008-02-08 // 02:09:27
i love that you're on a typewriter in the first one and a computer in the second. this is great!! gets my vote.

(i'm off the booze too...but for some reason those cigarettes are the hardest to kick, no?)

xoxo kristen

yes... cigarette is a writer disease.
(nice to see your xoxo again, kristen)

2008-02-08 // 02:07:13
Yes Zvevi, elle est très,très cool cell-ci, ça me rappelle quelque chose cette coupe de cheveux...!

si tu en veux d'autres, regarde dans ma gallerie le projet "yesterday"....
.....ce que c'est que d'être jeune, quand même !