2007-09-03 // 21:50:40
and why doesn't she like teeths?
i hate those always-smilers-for-photos anyway :-P:-)

he he i agree. smiling isn't always needed for a photo. but this one - i wanted it to be nice, warm and relaxed, because this is how she is: a very nice girl.
i think she's afraid the teeth get all the focus. but hey, here we have the white in the shirt, in the teeth and in the sunglasses. and they all match so lovely!

2007-08-31 // 20:35:21
i recently bought an impulse and found out it is a very good camera, and the flashlight is very soft, indeed
beautiful image, anyway

yes, yes: it's a beautiful camera.
i even ended up preferring it to my Image / Spectra...

2007-08-31 // 18:54:47
very interesting light... did you use a flashlight ?
Strong 3D impression

thanks! :D
yes, i did use the flash of the Impulse (it can't be turned off, by the way) but the sun did a beautiful work here itself...
i do love this "realistc" effect of the photo, in fact; and i believe it is partly due to the fact that she's not leaning on the wall behind, but standing some half meter from it (a rough 20")...