2005-12-17 // 18:52:49
You are too kind. Your wife and kids must love you to pieces. We love you, too. We polanoiiders. I think you give that personal, humerous and creative touch to this place. And your positive spirits often lifts me up, and that is great!
That playhouse sounds fun. I'd love a white one with blue windows and chimneys (2) and 7 different doorbells. And I want no locks. And I want three beds and a nice cozy couch. And I will help you build it! And I won't wait two years :-P
What kind of playing did you think of? :-P

2005-12-15 // 05:30:29
Hahah, it looks like underwater out of a cool submarine and she is really beaming, ha! great you build them a fun house.
I wanna benext in the line please, blueassedballed bee, please, thanks! :-D (with snorkels as chimneys..I got a thing for soopidgerl, maybe it attracts her haha :-P )

You've got a thing for stoopidgerl too? I've got a thing for both of you! I will build a playhouse with snorkels for chimneys for both of you, but only if you let me play too! ...if not I would be disappointed, but build one for you anyway, because you're you and special to me.

2005-12-14 // 23:13:55
Portraits from outer space! Looking at the horizont as a real cosmonaut making history!
Thank you Urizen. The way things are going perhaps my daughters will eventually get to see the Earth from space! I still dream that I might...one day...

2005-12-14 // 20:23:00
this is a great one***
Thanks Lars!

2005-12-14 // 17:32:25
ha! another voyager to the singularity! as seen from the outside of the spaceship! (or through her spacewalking suit!). what a cool dad...and what a cool clubhouse this must be!!
Thanks Bonnie, I didn't make the connection with the event horizon series...perhaps I will add these to the project.