2007-06-26 // 22:53:33
that face!!!!


2006-11-25 // 00:57:22
Yes...either make your youngest wear power business suits and practice her poker face or come across more photos of Angela Merkel taken when she seems relaxed or kidding around and the likeness that I believe to see might show a little more.

Which makes me wonder...there haven't been any female prime ministers of Australia as of yet have there? Merkel might not be everybody's cup of tea politically (certainly not mine) but she is the first female German chancellor and a scientist by original profession, so if this similarity I see is any indication of realized future potential of your youngest, you better buckle up :-)

2006-11-24 // 19:39:57
Damn, that web server with the Merkel thumbnail is paranoid. If you want to view it you'll have to copy the image URL from the link in my comment below and load if manually in a new web browser window or tab. So much hassle for probably naught :-> Apologies.
Ah yes, the upward turn of the corners of the mouth...perhaps similarities in the eyes too...
I can see what you mean now ulf! (no apologies needed, but remember you're still nuts, you're not going to get out of that one, but here at polanoid you're in good company)

2006-11-24 // 19:36:57
You might see it if you saw goofy or smiling pictures of Merkel. My attempt to embed one of those failed in my first comment due to a paranoid web-server that doesn't like to give out pictures if they look like they're loaded in-line in an external page (oy vey, how boring.) Maybe loading the direct link will work... »link

I wouldn't be surprised if that thumbnail of a smiling Merkel wouldn't change your mind, though. I'm likening the impressions of your youngest daughters from your photos to the impressions I get from press photographs and TV appearances of the German chancellor, whereas you obviously know all angles of your daughter's face and her grimaces intimately and would compare all that to whatever imagery of Merkel make it down to Australia. Eeks. :-)

2006-11-23 // 20:26:26
AP...did you ever make this connection? It occurred to me just last night!

I don't know...do you see the resemblance? Or am I nuts? Ok, I know I'm nuts. But what about the likeness?

Ummm...ulf, you think my daughter looks like Angela Merkel? I clicked on the ? in a box that my browser shows and it took me to the wikipedia page on the chancellor, so i am assuming that is who the resemblance you are talking about is refering to...
Sorry buddy, but I just can't see it. Perhaps if I saw photos of her as a child...

2006-04-10 // 12:47:59
yes, sweet and nice.

2006-04-09 // 13:57:53
ohhh so sweet as always, I love it, very beautiful!
Thank you Lia...

2006-04-09 // 03:20:22

2006-04-08 // 20:20:31

2006-04-08 // 12:37:31
cute and good BW AP!

Thank you dash. :-)>