2008-01-09 // 02:33:06
so interesting. vote

2007-09-15 // 15:20:27
i love this

2007-05-23 // 18:07:29
links: böse böse, mädchen.
rechts: schlaf kindschen schlaf.

2007-03-08 // 02:07:03
i love it

2007-03-05 // 23:16:02
you are a beauty. vote !!
no, i'm not. it's just the pic ;)
thanks for the vote ;))

2006-12-05 // 15:54:48
the first one remind me some Bond girl.

2006-11-10 // 01:23:13
YES great set.

2006-11-07 // 10:02:44
very good!
I like it!
it is sensual, soft, a little bit provocative...
I like!

muchas gracias muchacho!

2006-11-07 // 08:40:17
super! und das wortspiel: toll! norahlein: genial.
danke danke retilein. das wortspiel ist leider nicht von mir. is ein pornotitel.

2006-11-06 // 20:59:41
you look like a pretty bitch here.
didn't read all the 43 comments before mine, but i'm sure i'm not the only one who told you that. or, if i'm the first one, i'm the only sincere guy on this site...
(may i have a kiss from your red fleshy lips?)


(^ this was a kiss actually, i don't know how to imitate the sound of it. maybe *muah*)

2006-11-04 // 10:46:51
I can certainly say that this diptych is very pleasant to see.
I feel a tickle at my hypogastrium.

2006-11-04 // 00:16:38
so nice ...super portfolio

2006-11-03 // 15:22:40
just cool, good composition of the two.
The left image is real beautiful

2006-11-02 // 14:56:39
immer wieder gern!

2006-11-02 // 14:49:22
natuerlich meinte ich schmarrn, war zu faul in meinem wienerbuechlein nachzuschauen ;) danke fuer die verbesserung :)))))

klugscheisser norah stehts zu diensten

2006-11-02 // 14:41:30
und _das_ tut weh.
am besten machst du solche aufnahmen aber in zukunft in voll geheiztem studio

aber schman bei seite, finde ich wirklich sehr gelungen. (und klar habe ich vor tagen schon gevoted)

haha ... weiss ich doch. ich führe ja buch.

du meinst wohl "schmarrn" ;)
schmarrn beiseite. ;)))))))

2006-11-02 // 14:35:13
sonst erkaeltest du dich womoeglich

und bekomme eine eierstockentzündung

2006-11-02 // 01:07:20
laila tov schneewitchen
experiment gelunge ;)

gut, dann kann ich mich ja wieder anziehn

2006-11-01 // 14:05:32

2006-11-01 // 13:38:11
T = Tamech S = Shmuel

2006-11-01 // 12:12:14
very beautiful and sexy!!!

2006-11-01 // 11:52:36
Incredibly sexyyyyy ! I would like to have these polas in polanoir xxl size hanging from a wall of my choice inaa roooom of my choice - just to see them every day. Belive me I've seen millions of sexy pictures ( and I don't mean the art pictures I used to use when I was 16 ) but these are absolutely fantasticulous .
thank you mister itzik t. (tomatoe?) s. (salad?) cohen.
i am still a fan of those art pictures you mentioned. but i use them as schlaflektüre only.

2006-11-01 // 02:53:48
Oh, interesting... Sleep well Norah!

(And don't dream of being naked)

2006-11-01 // 02:31:21
Something new? Woooo, clap, clap in excitement.
But i meant the animal heads, were they what you expected? Are your eyes really like that? How many dracmas are 10 euros? Are those too many questions?

oops sorry .. too many heads today ... and i've lost mine.
yep yep, the animals were like i had expected them (i still think they are in any case worth an upload - they're so great!!) but didn't you tell me it is a serie of four? anyway. 10 drachmen are worth a toenail and my eyes are - in that certain position - really like that. thanks for asking. i need my beautysleep now.

2006-11-01 // 02:16:19
It's a hobby like any other...

Now, let's talk about ME (sorry, i wanted to write it bigger, but couldn't). Did you like the head-series? Do you think you can do something with them? Are you rich? Are you single? Answer first the third question.

yes, let's talk about YOU for a change.
1. no, i'm quite poor
2. yes, i am single
3. yes, i liked your heads, especially the double exposed one with the freaky pinkish-blue colour
4. i will use two of them probably.
i think the manipulation techniques i normally use will not work properly for those portraits, i'll try out something new.

2006-11-01 // 02:03:24
Indeed it works.

You're machiavellian

yeah, but only on thursdays
and wednesdays

2006-11-01 // 01:54:27
I know i shouldn't say it, but your "goods" are confusing to me. What do you mean? Ok, i'll stop spamming your omment box.
oh. nothing. i'm just testing the power of the word.
it works.

2006-11-01 // 01:50:59
Yeah... that's why i'm proud of being european.

End of the absurd comment.


2006-11-01 // 01:49:26
It's indeed tragic. But i think it's more tragic that now i know about it.

Bye, Carmita. Punish those teenagers.

2006-11-01 // 01:42:56
I don't like halloween because where i come from we have a proper Carnival when we dress up (maily as women) and have real fun. Halloween is for the poor other people who don't have Carnival and have to adopt fake festivities to cover the humane vital need of dressing up and making the fool
yeah, we europeans don't need an excuse to dress up, we are born with wigs and fake teeths by nature. (such as lars blumens future son)

2006-11-01 // 01:39:59
Ok, let me think... i once had an exam by surprise and then i discovered i was naked!

Oh no, wait, i think i dreamt it

pervert. but i once dreamt something similar. actually i often dream of being naked in public. it's tragic.

2006-11-01 // 01:37:53
Will Hunting? You mean the film? Or that you want to go hunting, that you... have the...will to hunt?!

I am more confused now


2006-11-01 // 01:35:30
Carmen, i never lied to you, ask and i won't make up any excuse, i'll tell you something shameful for your delight!

2006-11-01 // 01:33:56
It's supposed to be Halloween, why aren't we, three non-handicaped people, not perpetrating evil with nocturnality and self-awareness?
because i hate halloween and everyone who celebrates it.

2006-11-01 // 01:30:18
Why don't you ask me?
she's shy and schizo.

2006-11-01 // 01:29:12
Good? Good what?


will hunting

2006-11-01 // 01:25:28
No (i think). I meant i was drinking and i saw those shot i had to cough and couldn't swallow the liquid any more. Please, tell me if you know the right word. No? Thank you. That's what i thought.
you were swallowing up. good.

2006-11-01 // 01:19:26
Health and obsession have nothing to do with each other, Carmita.

And i'm not exaggerating, it really made me choke

HEY! what do you mean with choke, eh??

2006-11-01 // 01:14:35
You made me choke.
doesn't choke mean something like vomit?

2006-11-01 // 00:49:28
die digitale vergrößerungslupe auf deiner hübschen wange ist ein sexy zusatzschmankerl***

oy, danke!!
ich hatte schon befürchtet jemand hält den "fleck" für eine dreckige fliege oder so.

2006-10-31 // 22:20:25
great composition!! and love the cool tones!

thanks david. (it's SX-70 BLEND!!) ;)

2006-10-31 // 16:51:17
Ssssssssexy! We should all have a karaoke party some time, eh? Wouldn't that be nice?
yeah, it's about time again. i wanna sing abba songs all night long, with your raging pussy wig on my head.

hey, why the fuck are we talking about karaoke??