2006-10-29 // 00:56:41
yes they can be seen in orkney, where they call them 'merry dancers; :D the light in northern remote parts of scotland can be extraordinary anyway.

i did not realise they could be seen in tasmania. are they called the southern lights down there??? :/
i know someone who saw them from southern england some years ago.
from edinburgh, all i see is light pollution :P

one day maybe we will both get to see them at some point. i bet they'd look brilliant on polaroid :-D

2006-10-28 // 13:59:42
yes i am familiar with the pictures, and have one of his books somewehere :) i was looking on the internet this week about visiting greenland to see the northern lights, but it is v expensive :( apparently they are nearing the end of their cycle anyway, and the best time to next see them in their fullest glory is in about 6 or 7 years time. so if i start saving my pennies now.....

and i'm afraid you are right about david. he is now not allowed within 50 miles of edinburgh... if only restraining orders applied to the internet..... it's a sad situation, really.


Good luck for 6-7n years away, maybe I will have saved enough pennies too...I had thought you could sometimes see the northern lights from further north in Scotland, the Orkneys perhaps? I'm not sure, but I had heard that. At times of high Solar activity you can sometimes see them in Tasmania (which is the closest part of Australia to Antartica, not counting our Antartic Territory) One day I might be in the right place at the right time.

2006-10-28 // 01:54:29
i promise i am not stalking poor ms sealette ;-) - despite my role as head of her pr ! :-) .. but i can't help that i like the same images she does .. great great series cameron .. i find myself looking for more everytime i log on .. great stuff

Hi David, thanks for that, i'm glad you are enjoying this series...as you might have guessed, I'm having great fun making these micropolaroids, but I fear I will run out of SX-70 film soon! I'll have to order some of the "new blend"
...are you sure you're not stalking sealette *grin*

2006-10-28 // 00:58:45
i really enjoy this whole series. so alien. from the thumbs they look like the most incredible aurora borealis :)
Thanks sealette, I like your comparison to the borealis - I have never been priviledged to see them in "real life" but one day hope to...
I often find that the micro can seemingly echo the macro, anyone who has seen "The Earth from the Air" images by Yann Arthus-Bertrand will have noted how some of his images can resemble microphotography.
Cheers and thanks again!