First Flush

Shotdate | -location:
2010 Apr. 17 | Milwaukee(US)

Camera | Filmtype:
SX-70 Model 2 | PX100 FF

Related tags:
polaroid, experimental, px, 100ff, ilford, first pack
shooting with the first flush px film is truly an experience.

-temperature was round 9 degree
-shielded polaroid with my hand as it came out then quickly took it to my chest and rubbed gently for around 13 seconds
-then put in box quickly
- i do believe however that the fading is due to me not covering it enough from light. i cant stress how much this is a big factor because if you let your polaroid come in contact with light during its first stages of development.. it can either make or break your photograph
-using the light however, to your advantage is something im a still playing with.
-scanned after my walk so probably about an hour after i took it.
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Uploaded: Apr. 18, 2010
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