2015-01-27 // 22:19:19
Very Nice shot Bastian !!
Thanks so very much.

2015-01-27 // 09:29:43
Geniales Bild, Bastian!
Danke vielmals :-)

2015-01-25 // 23:04:33
fuck! i love these dogs. my grandfather had one, was laast year as well dog sledding back home in Minnesota by -40 grad, but these guys can hold out anything. well done!
-40… Sounds very inspiring. Would be great to do such a trip one day. I would also bring the 4x5 and some packs of film of course.
I will start this adventure immediately if possible :-)

2015-01-27 // 08:35:33
Beautiful Huskies Bastian,they make good subjects for your 55!
Thanks and yes, they posed very very beautiful for me and my camera.