2012-10-30 // 01:39:16
What was the light source for this one? Is he in the water? It's very mysterious. I like it. You do remarkable things with this film. It shows what someone can achieve when she knows her materials and subjects well.

Hi Jonathan, the light is just from a very big window in my front room & he is lying on a very dark floor - when I scanned it in I would say his body is a bit brighter than the pola, but not much - it's a very b&w image - if you know what i mean - no colour to pick up on as such. He was breathing through the apparatus too, so I think it also gives a feeling of floating. The other one with his goggles & my daughter (Ophelia) was taken in water with me leaning precariously over the top with a large format camera ;) My husband is a diving instructor & these are always around the house - my son is obsessed with swimming & has never been a child that played much - in the 'child' sense - this is about that - he grew up very quickly and yet still very much a little boy. I could write an essay about this image and my son lol!! Thanks so much for your kind comment - sorry for the long reply.