2010-12-09 // 20:32:56
Amazing! there's alot of detail considering the speed, I'd love to use that speed in my 195!!
Really like your experiments with instax, I've been using fuji 100C under an enlarger, makes lovely little prints from 120 and 35mm.

Thanks Steve for dropping in and adding to fav list!!
If only the film was still around ( it was disconinued decade plus ago, maybe more ). Truly neat stuff at 20,000 ISO. I think that some of the fading of the print ( contrast level ) helped to pick up some detail when it was scanned.
With the use of my of the 680 camera ( possible other cameras ) and combined instax film...I,ve found a combo I can play around with for a while...it does keep me out of the casinos. Thank you for the nice comment!
The fuji-100c, is rather nice film to use and curently it's the only game in town for good crisp quality instant colour prints. I still have my DayLab enlarger in mothballs currently...but perhaps in the not to distant future...a new project, using my own chemicals and materials for instant large format images.Take care my friend and Good Holidays to you!