2010-11-22 // 17:29:03

2010-11-18 // 19:46:04
Nice job. I saw Patti Smith perform a free concert a year or two ago at the Santa Monica Pier in California...

2010-11-14 // 23:17:17
Yammi Smolka
my favourite French phrase! Merci!

2010-11-09 // 18:50:49
i should have read all comments ;-)

2010-11-09 // 04:54:04
I´m flubberghasted-
your expression is perfect!!!

Thanks jim, I must clarify again that this isn't me, I'm 42 and male. The project guidelines do say we can use a model, so this is my daughter with the perfect expression. :)

2010-11-02 // 23:56:44

is this really you, my dear jay?

do I need to worry?

50% me and 50% Carlotta, oh hang on she's got a twin sister so maybe that's 25%, oh and they've got a lil' brudder so maybe that's 17.63%... you can see where we're going here.
Nobody ever reads the fine manual do they? Esther said we could use a model (at 1200dpi)

I should've just said yes.

feel free to vote btw

2010-11-01 // 17:12:22
I thought I'd commented on this masterpiece days ago. Obviously I'm mistaken. And even more obvious is the visual proof that you have a knack for for interpreting works of style in your own manner.

So well done Jay. It's an exceptional interpretation.

Thanks, I think you've swelled my head enough for me to pose as Diego Rivera now, oh dear I haven't got enough pillows to stuff inside my clothes!

2010-11-01 // 16:17:10
Ahh I see now. I meant the girl in the photo but really your are all pretty as well. :)
thanks for clarifying, you're beautiful.

2010-11-01 // 00:08:28
Don't sell yourself short little lady. You are quite beautiful yourself.
we're all blushing because we don't quite understand who that comment is aimed at!

2010-10-31 // 13:54:34
she is prettier, that's a fact, but she took the pose so perfectly

2010-10-30 // 09:14:33
wow ! what a perfect look-alike !
merci! (we think she's prettier than Patti, but I suppose we're biased!)

2010-10-30 // 07:19:47
love love love this!
thanks thanks thanks!

2010-10-28 // 02:20:55
thats the one i was planning to do!! you beat me to it, but i think much better then i ever could have! love it!!!!
ah give it a shot anyway! Oré has just uploaded one I was thinking of so I know how you feel!

2010-10-26 // 23:19:26
now i am truly confused. patti smith is your twin sister?

so well done. i think that cover has been a subconscious favourite of mine for a long long time. (and i don't even consciously know the lp)

she's even more confused. they're making a documentary about it.

I just had to watch this clip to reconnect with the real thing,
go girl;

2010-10-26 // 12:36:21
That really is absolutely perfect. Plus, best tags ever!!!
Thank you, y'know it's really growing on me... I should probably vote for it, lol. Sometimes the tags get re-arranged by Webbo's anarchic system but this time they lined up well, and quite apt for a teenager on the cusp of flying the nest.

2010-10-26 // 11:00:33
Oh yes, very good. The challenging look, the raised chin yet slightly slouching shoulders. Tonight the night was made for Polas.
...and our take on the horse brooch on the lapel was done especially for you. Equus Plasticus Legoii.

2010-10-26 // 07:43:19
Great one!
thanks! it's one for the family album I think.

2010-10-26 // 05:59:27
Very well done, congrats: I immediately got the quote, without even reading the title!
phew, glad to hear it, I was fearful that nobody would recognize it at all!

2010-10-25 // 22:58:27
She made me start doing Polaroids, love*
she helps me get up and face the day quite often, Horses is almost a religious ritual for Sunday mornings!

2010-10-25 // 22:27:10
That has got to be my favorite all time Pattie Smith album, amazing. Cool, and very well done.
Thanks muddy, I know she's famous but I think she should 1000 times more famous. I'm stoked about this picture, love the responses!

2010-10-25 // 21:15:59
The camera strap mimicking her suspenders is brilliant. You nailed this. Hope to see more!
hey thanks! really glad you like it, it's a pic i've wanted to do for a couple of years now but y'know you've just got to wait for the kids to grow up a bit sometimes! Twin sister was in charge of continuity and I think they both did a pretty good job!
By the way, back in old Europe we call those things braces, lol, suspenders hold stockings up!
Not sure if anyone noticed the horse yet, maybe it isn't foggy enough for Polanoid.

2010-10-25 // 19:34:43
Thank you rommel. I just looked through your pics, nice stuff indeed.

2010-10-25 // 19:30:42
btw, great detail the land 250!
yep, Patti's camera of choice!

2010-10-25 // 18:58:12
oh yes, great tribute bravo!
thanks Ullo, what a fun project!

2010-10-25 // 18:15:25
Oh very good xx
Thanks! for accuracy you can't beat this thouugh: