2010-12-11 // 23:14:00
It's like a blue Turner with the slightest bit of red on his brush. Thanks for sharing the technique I'll give it a go.
Thanks much...but Turner was one of the Master Impressionists...and myself only just a humble polanoider. Once again, thank you for the visual comparison.

2010-12-11 // 22:17:01
Painting with light. I have just got another pack of PX70 ff and if I get anything that looks remotely like this I will be well pleased.
I'm sure glad that you liked this one. This is sort of what the world looks like to me when I do take my glasses off. Painting with light is a very creative technique. For this image the light was soft and spread across the field of view in the image. All that I did was manipulated the surface of the image with a plastic pencil.
The PX70FF does have nice blues to it's native color pallet. It can at times be a bear when you want to pull more colour out of it.
So...many thanks for the comment and adding this rather myopic image to your favs. Good Holidays to you!