2010-10-08 // 01:01:43

so, it's not like i'm here much, but i do like lookin' - i would love to see Studio 54 recreated for the next project: a bunch of coked-up noidies wearing wigs, sweat, and glittery things surrounded by broken champagne glasses, an animal or two, and a liza minelli or andy w. look-alike would be just the thing.
also, i hope you're well. x

so, it's not like i'm not here much, but i just don't say much. and i do like lookin' too. ;-)

ah, studio 54 is a an excellent suggestion. disco ball (miniature version - uses two batteries) i have, no more fake silk shirts though. i did have some really nice ones back in the day. my mother actually made them. oh what i would give to have them back.

if, and that's a BIG IF, the next project takes us back in time i may just visit my favourite halloween shoppe in search of an appropriate wig. a nice replica of Andy's would be nice. and since i'm pathetically pale these days i just might pull it off - except for the meatier face.

i am well - enough.

hope you are too My.Dear.Lady.

/ps - seems to me we may have unfinished communications/busin ess that i left lingering, but i'm really not positive about that. it's just a nagging feeling that i have. please remind me./

/pss - i sweat at the though of sweat./

2010-09-11 // 21:23:20
we have to ask webbo (if he's still alive and kickin') to make a special Odorama feature here : I do agree with all that was said about the analog smell. Try to sniff a digital cam...

Nice to have a pic from you, btw.
Hope everything is fine

i'm a bit worried that webbo may be in a turkish prison - it's been a long time since i've seen any indication of his presence. part of a much quieter polanoid lately it seems.

yes, and odorama feature would be welcome for those of us that enjoy that scent. ;-)

mostly fine now & it is good to be back in a small way. i do need to devote some time to seeing what all those on my freind's list have been shooting recently.

hoping all is well with you + family too.

/ps - i sniffed my digital camera - stinks! no chemicals - just electrinics. ;-(

2010-09-09 // 23:03:16
i don't know if there's a different smell on expired chemicals. i never 'looked' at their potential difference. but smell - for sure. belongs to.
a good part in my life as well.
i know breathing is the most important. consciuosly, somtimes. deep - depends on the situation. can be very wrong. sometimes better to breath at all, just a bit.

i prefer the right one. does not seem to be that old already to me.

i could have just said polaroid chemicals - but they are all expired now so i no longer have a way to compare. ;)

i can recall many years ago, while on a commercial photo shoot - i as an assistant on that day - myself & the photographer (also male) would instinctively have a sniff after peeling the polaroids (669). the second assistant (a female) and the stylist (also female) were quite disgusted by the scent. we attributed it to hormonal differences. today, for me, the b/w was much stronger. still good.

breathing - when i have trouble falling asleep (too often lately) i make an effort to be very conscious of my breathing, the depth, regularity, and the sound. before i know it i'm waking up.

yes, i too prefer the right. it was the first & i like having more shadow on my face. lighting was lazy & simple - overhead fluorescent. both films are 10+ years expired. stored loosely on a room temperature shelf. not bad for more laziness.

(fixed typo)

2010-09-09 // 22:13:20


2010-09-09 // 21:45:26
three deep breaths. works wonders, i was recently told...

advice i shall keep close to my heart.


(you listen to wise voices)

2010-09-09 // 21:37:50
Oh good, great and... hello!
hummm this sent!

great, hmmm.

oh - and hello.