2010-10-09 // 08:42:11
oh, how beautifully done. I've been wanting to use black and white but there is a terrible light leak in my 180. //the light leak only looks nice on id-uv

also, you choose your outfits wisely. I like them.

Old 664 is nice if you have any - I really like it. It's not quite black and white but always a little warmer. Can you find out where the light leak is coming from and tape it? Or just tape up all the seams around the camera that you can see with black gaffer tape?

2010-09-07 // 11:05:34
i'm feeling very sleepy, dreamy, probably going to miss my train now, but i still can't vote twice...

sorry. :D


2010-09-07 // 10:14:16
awesome shot. ;)

You are feeling sleepy. Your eyelids are drooping. When I count to three you will vote. One... two... THREE.