2010-08-25 // 15:52:52
ha, ha ! just great!
Thanks, glad you like it!

2010-08-23 // 22:28:19
great sense of strenght!!!!!
thanks matt! he is a powerful wizard!!

2010-08-23 // 20:50:09
Hooray for accidents! I love when this sort of thing happens to me, and I'm equally happy for you. Well done. (Not to take away from the skill required to capture this shot at all. The white spot is beyond your control; the rest of the image is great.)
Many thanks for such a thoughtful comment - very much appreciated!

2010-08-23 // 15:31:26
I think you used the power of your mind for this 'accident' - ace
I think he might have! I was initially sad when I saw this, because the object he's holding up is a fascinating thing he found washed up on the river bank - but then he pointed out that it looked like he was tearing down the sky, and I realised the picture was better than the one I'd planned!

2010-08-23 // 11:47:13
Thank you! It was a very happy accident!

2010-08-23 // 11:14:25
super! love it! =)
Many thanks!

2010-08-23 // 11:08:09
this is so cool, love it.
Thanks Rachael - much appreciated!