2010-05-25 // 23:55:49
it's definitely a... joy
Like I said : there was love ;)
Thank you !

2010-05-25 // 17:57:27
Very good imagae. I like the hapiness in her face. Gives me a happy feeling too.
What happened with this images after some hours?

Thank you geerdinck !
Once the picture is "peeled apart", the fading to black process stops ( & therefore the picture doesn't change anymore ;)).

2010-05-25 // 11:06:09
Amazing texture, doesn't look like water, but as if she was melting
Thank God I grabed the last packs of F2B, the results can be just plain (such as "dead print") or so osé (such as this one)... Amazing weird film ! It drives me mad sometimes, though...