2010-04-01 // 17:23:26
No, only his wealth is scary;)
OK, I'll have the rough cut transfer on DVD...


2010-04-01 // 17:17:50
I'd be dead by now if he did ;)
Is he that scary? Now I really want to see it!

2010-04-01 // 16:09:03
If I called him to sell it to him, he'd think I was trying to blackmail him haha ! Why, after all, he's naked all the time...
I wonder if he lies awake at night sometimes worrying about that film he once made.

2010-04-01 // 15:27:42
Yep. I also shot a short 16mm film there in 1980, called "the zipless fuck" as an hommage to Henry Miller... I would gladly upload it here, but the leading male actor has become so incredibly rich and powerful in France since that he'd sue the shit out of me if I ever did héhé...
Fantastic story. Doesn't he want to buy it off you? Or is it not for sale?

2010-04-01 // 14:24:04
I want this to be SOTD so badly!
Ha ha! Lord, I'd love to see Brian's flopsy ears twitching at me from the front page, too. Would be a perfect Easter treat.

He and Greg were the best models in creation. Never in all my born days have I ever beheld any creatures who looked more natural and at home in my knickers - not to mention the bunny ears and bee antennas.

There will be three more shots of the "wer-bunny" plus another part-human creature coming up soon.

2010-04-01 // 13:52:00
it's becoming one of my hobbies, you know.
to cause mischief in hotels at night.
and I thank you.

Think of all the poor security men who work in the hotels we haven't made mischief in. It must be terribly stultifying. How stagnant their tiny, monotonous lives must feel. It's an unselfish hobby for you to develop, because it's them you're doing it for. I applaud you.

2010-04-01 // 13:45:11
Oh ! I actually lived at the Chelsea, back in 78... I was there when Sid Vicious stabbed his girl... God, I'm so old ;) !
Wow! I'm impressed! Yes, I can just picture you there. It's definitely the ideal haunt for hotel fetishists like nous.