2009-12-06 // 21:30:51


..but looking forward to more of the story nevahtheless..

2009-12-04 // 10:56:50

at the risk of making my previous comment about nude boys ring a bit hollow now..
..but I love the shape/outline of your body very much on this one!

it's ok if you are trying to confess something.

you wouldn't be the first guy twice my age, to confess their love for me.

(more on that story coming soon)

2009-12-03 // 19:24:12
you look like sombody who just came out of an alien EGG and makes his first moves before he destroys the entire earth and makes all humans his slaves.

2009-12-03 // 17:18:49
Oh brilliant, because I don't really like spiders OR flies, but I do like webs.

2009-12-03 // 10:08:01
Are you a spider or a fly? (My sympathy, as always, for the wool burns.)
I am your futuristic sibling getting ready to fly.