2009-11-20 // 02:59:13
oh my Penny.....I love this!
thank you so much Robin!

2009-11-19 // 19:42:56
the colour is great indeed!

2009-11-19 // 19:28:37
I have to ask what was your experience with the fade2black film and how were you able to save that border?
I just tried it this morning, this one was an accident, I hit the shutter while I was putting it on a tripod. Since I was at home I just scanned all of the shots that I did several times during development, then when it got to a color I wanted I just cut it open and left them to dry. I didn't have time this morning to post any of the others, but they were all coming out well. I haven't seen them dry yet, but supposedly you just tape them shut on the back and you will still have the borders.