2009-08-29 // 02:26:43
Was the sand melting-hot? Is that why they contsantly lose the flips of the flops and have no seafood?
The sand was too hot to stand on, but I believe that they have no seafood, because the flips have eloped with all the fishes.

2009-08-28 // 16:50:56
lost without you, or lost you without .
i like it very much...

Ah, I think the tide jumbled the words up a little.

Thank you.

2009-08-28 // 15:48:27
This so just great. Lost shoes make me so sad.
I know what you mean. Lone woollen gloves are even more heartbreaking though, somehow, wouldn't you say? Whereas lost underpants seem to exude an air of devil-may-care dissipation.

2009-08-28 // 15:42:19
bouhouhou !! WHYYYYYYY !!!!!!
I don't care I'm gonna use all my 600 box to find a filter like this one !! MOUHAHAHAHA !

Evil evil creature.

2009-08-28 // 14:56:16
cool !!

I want you give me a filter like this one !!!

Uah ha ha haaa! YESSSS! This is my sweet revenge upon you for tantalising me so cruelly with all your inexplicable secret techniques all these years. Now it is MY turn infuriate YOU with my mysterious magical filter. Uaaaaa ha haaaa haaaa.

2009-08-28 // 13:06:32
wohl eher Flop!

2009-08-28 // 12:47:18
Ja ich weiß. Der arme Flipflop ist inzwischen nur ein einsamer Flip bzw. Flop.