2011-05-30 // 01:57:17
He definitely has a far away look in his eye(s). As an aside it seems a little circuitous answering messages or comments here on Polanoid :)

2011-05-21 // 02:21:40
Great portrait. I like the expression on his face.

Oh, thank you! A wonderful memory, if nothing else. A sort of self-conscious wistfulness in his expression, you think?

2009-06-28 // 00:13:51
you polished your lens!
are you back?
I bought New York Vertigo (M. Setboun)
and just seen Sea of Love (1989)


Back little bit by little bit--hard to leave my Iowa.
Now working on a packet again...Christmas in July?!

2009-06-13 // 16:38:53
Colorado was nice.
The air is so crisp.


p.s. let's play.


yes, we have to get together!
the rest of june is crazy crazy, but
hopefully things will be calmer and
crisper after....

2009-06-13 // 06:10:59
where are you


i'm in ???, US!
(i just came back from 0.)
you were in denver? i lived there when i was little--did you like it there?