2010-04-26 // 11:59:00
Dear Photographer,

we are organizing a Polaroid photo exhibition scheduled for this summer.Location:Italy
We are interested in some of your pictures (posted online).

Exhibition web site: »link

We are looking for photographers,artist and their Polaroid pics (reproduction with white frame of 600/SX-70 or similar films - NO poladroids,NO peel-off film,NO photoshop).

We don't need the original Polaroid,we need only the file reproducing the picture (we will print it using professional quality).
If you are interested in joining our project,please propose your creative work.
You can send some previews in low resolution (maximum 20/30 polaroid images),we will also search your posted images as well.

Please visit our web site with all the infos about location and submit infos: »link
If you are interested,lease send us a reply message,then you will receive all the infos concerning the exhibition details.

DEADLINE for submitting your high resolution pictures (once we get the previews): 15th of may 2010
But don't wait the 15th to send us your previews.

Please send you feedback ONLY to: polaroid@dailysnapshot.inf o

Please let us know.
best regards
the exhibition staff

2009-10-15 // 13:45:42
Superbement réalisée...J'étais passé à côté, mais je l'adore...Très harmonieuse.
merci beaucoup :)

2009-02-24 // 15:47:57
je la trouve très réussie cette photo !

2009-02-24 // 01:26:05
The writing makes this one very special, it has to be a vote+fave
oh, you're back :)
thankyou dear..

2009-02-24 // 01:04:50
Glad to contribute in a way to this kind feedback!
yes, thank you, snake :)

2009-02-24 // 00:57:22
i've just breathed a sigh of relief.

feeling better now. ;-)


hahah :) phewww :)
thanks again dear

2009-02-23 // 22:24:23
have to agree with orezemit. like it very much. also love that the thumb almost seems to come from another (bigger) hand.
haha, that thumb looks just inhuman doesnt it :)
thanks for liking it, nimano :)

2009-02-23 // 21:12:31
dear Emilie,
this is so much better than 1/5. if you can't be honest with yourself then maybe you should not rate your photos. ;-)
i think think this one is excellent. i know you're just testing but you've made a special photo in the process. the sculptural quality of the light is outstanding. the composition is near perfect. the writing, well, that's a great part of much of your work. again, excellent. and the frame - it fits this photo in a way that the standard border would not.
please don't take my first two sentences the wrong way. i was serious, but in a sincere & friendly way. i admire all of your efforts.

thank you SO much for this comment and for your email, ore!
dont worry i didnt take it bad AT ALL - but yeah it did make me smile :) cos im a bit of a perfectionist and i often tend to be a bit harsh on myself, which actually annoys a *lot* of people around me... :)
thanks a million for the encourageing words, that's really good to hear.

2009-02-23 // 00:33:36
You are indeed!...
But who are you trying to strangle!

une vipère ;p

2009-02-22 // 23:47:20
voilà des mains nettes de chez nettes en tout cas...
haha, ouais, ben c'est des mains qui prennent la pose - rien de bien naturel :)