2008-10-16 // 10:47:54
the skies are kind of freaking me out...! looking forward to cracking out my pair of packs...
they're very nice packs. you'll have fun...

2008-10-15 // 18:03:01
this is great- i really have been waiting to take a shot of these pilons but i can't drive and only ever see them on the way out to leyton on the bus and am always on my way somewhere! one day...

2008-10-15 // 13:32:37
i did not mean to keep you from life's pleasures. i just thought it could be fun to fuck up exposures first, and then, forget it, and have fun with lonely tractors. a life pleasure as well

(see, it looks like god send a lightning to those fucking powerlines, but a saving lightbeam to the tractor. tractors are just too good)

2008-10-15 // 01:26:35
thanks for the film tip sir. just so happens i have an "in" with mr. zvevi myself.

spoty, spotty spooty, spottie, it's all the same isn't it? at least when i read it. either way it's spoot on.

nice mr zvevi and his nice film.

right, time for me to spot off

2008-10-15 // 01:16:40
exposure looks pretty good from here. and yes, i am thinking about it. i see the tractor just fine. just enough to know it's there.

for as many packs of sx-70 (expired or not) i've never had one with all the little spots. i don't know why but i like them.

the gold chemical streak looks like lightening in this one.

Anne Braden said that I just realised.

Mr Zveliakine was the supplier of the spoty film. Perhaps he has a magic fridge?

2008-10-15 // 01:01:52
...seems to be the Golgotah peak
now that would have made a good polaroid...

2008-10-15 // 00:49:38
try the other way round next time.

shooting into the sun is one of life's pleasures.

2008-10-14 // 21:36:43
nuclear daydream
what a wonderful description. i wish i'd thought of that!

2008-10-14 // 21:34:13
Beauty like this always helps your brains!
Haha, thanks. I was so dissapointed by this photo for weeks - it could have been so much better. It's been sititing in my car gathering dust and annoying me.