2008-10-06 // 13:57:42
wow, it looks so dramatic!
aye, it was!

2008-10-02 // 21:17:05
your picture tells more than thousand stories

2008-10-01 // 18:49:43
this is really interesting, I'm toying with the idea of doing really wide angle landscape stuff on b&w packfilm but I wonder if it's the right medium.... it's fun to capture the shot in real b&w but it's easier to present it on a screen like this shot where you can blow out the white to great effect. I'd love to see the original, pop it in your pocket when you head west!
sure you can...it looks like this actually...pretty washed out actually...

its not bad on pack film....i have had some good results and many fuck ups. i love black and white in all its manifestations but i find it hard to get around taking polaroids of such big things, and big things suit black and white...!