2008-08-27 // 17:41:49
Don't cry about the film, I found some more 600 in Eastbourne. You can buy from me for big bucks.
Then you can peel off a filter from one of your old blend cartridges and whack it on a 600 - makes it into the same thing. Kind of.

Meg voted for herself, I see. I'm impressed!

2008-08-26 // 11:13:11
She's my favorite cat ever, I vote for her!!!
kiss her for me

She says thank you but no tongue kisses.

2008-08-25 // 13:59:19
Look, she's waiting for her dad to come home. Hope she's been good...
She's gonna have a long old wait then!
She was actually looking at my Dad pulling up and wandering if she was going to Hellboy with us. I left her at home because I couldn't face 'I'm Hellboys'.
I don't know about good....
Somebody pulled my fairy lights down (nails out of the wall and everything) and she seems to just lick the jelly off the meats and leave the rest to dry out.
They are both been very affentionate though...perhaps too much I can't sit down with getting covered in cat.
Amelie enjoying meeting them and played with them for a long time so they had fun chasing around.
How's it going down old Eastbourne way?

2008-08-25 // 13:30:37
loads of 600 out there. don't give up!!
What now you tell me! I just smashed my SX-70 up with a sledge hammer and fed the pieces into a wood chipper assuming it no longer had a use.