2008-10-09 // 16:16:51

i come back to this one often...reading the comments below, it's strange to realize how i see this photo--
i didn't see the rooftops, really...i saw a ship pulling away from dock, two passengers about to step down onto land, proud, hopeful, and expectant. isn't that funny? my own bias....

not funny. wonderful.

(psst: »link )

2008-06-17 // 23:43:07
i agree with zvevi. but i think it's more to do with NYC feeling in this pola than anything else. rooftops. ok, can be anywhere else and i know it's riga, but at the same time it's so international, world wide, universal..that's it just beautiful. and great.
glad you pointed that out. as I disagree completely with zvevi. as stefan does. roofs on choco, that's all.
happy you got it. of course you got it. It's exactly about that. and something Riga is about to forget. it'll be the key pic for the next exhibition, in a small museum with heart and history.
glad to be close to your eyes and mind.

2008-06-17 // 15:29:34

feels like i am not looking at this photo, but through it, like a book--so much to read, here.


( that's wonderful, my. ... )

2008-06-17 // 12:39:22
pretty much stefano's style... i like it anyway...

2008-06-17 // 08:48:27
This one I haven t seen yet! I knew it , I haven t! Great great!
Reminds me a little bit of acient times in India, Mabey because of how Marika is dressed like...



2008-06-17 // 08:17:29
Just beautiful.

2008-06-17 // 06:32:12
"this is extraordinary. I come from a shtetl in lithiuania and my husband's familty are from Riga. We have photographs like this, but they are from another time. Of my grandparents and my father's cousins. BRAVO!"

2008-06-17 // 04:11:59

Takes my breath away. And I’m smiling so wide. Delightfully uncanny. Marika is quite the foxy Mary Poppins! Looking at this, Copenhagen rooftops come to mind »link

Ah! They're at it again, step in time
Ow, step in time
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme
Ow, step in time

Votes for women!
Votes for women, step in time
Votes for women!
It's the master!
It's the master, step in time

What's all this?
