2008-12-16 // 23:55:05
maybe this one is even better on itīs own than in the duopic... or maybe as great. or both.

2008-04-25 // 23:56:51
wow! great picture, beautiful.

2008-04-19 // 00:27:51
a beautiful accident

2008-04-18 // 01:11:32
fantastic image.

waw, you're more than lucky with this film!!!
enjoy it!

Yeah, for being an opened pack expired in 2000, it;'s really turning out some beautiful colors!

2008-04-17 // 23:17:27
the lobsters clamped on your toes.
Then why are my feet sailing through the air?!

2008-04-17 // 23:01:47
i don't know what there are in the picture but it is wonderful! voted
A face made by Picasso, sunshine, and cumulounimbus clouds.

2008-04-17 // 20:36:40
That eye, that look, is the most beautiful thing I've seen in a loooong while. Drop down gorgeous!
Aww aw thanks. That is my eye! My eye is beautiful! A good start to my morning.