2010-10-30 // 10:54:00
I'm late...but this is just the best shot I've ever seen!! Amazing!
Penguins are so hot!

2009-09-07 // 13:47:47
oh yes, great!!!

2009-09-05 // 11:40:04

2008-04-06 // 04:59:40
Just Beautiful Amalia. (degan=noobits)

2008-03-30 // 21:34:54
Haha that would have been very kewl :D You cant tell the difference (too much) so i wont tell ;o)
My film made their background look more realistic, though! I bet they get bored with their average blue background, but only until they saw my photo of themselves.

2008-03-30 // 15:20:32
Fantastic..well deserved sotd :) where was this taken?
Indianapolis Zoo...slash...my recent trip to Antarctica! I wish.

2008-03-30 // 14:02:56
waaaa !!!!! it's amazing ! great ! lthis animal is fantastique ! i love this pola !!!! congrat !
They are so intelligent and animated! I love 'em

2008-03-30 // 13:07:48

2008-03-30 // 12:30:27
penguins are deep

2008-03-30 // 12:21:10
You changed the name! I'm proof-reader to the stars! Run everything by me in future, lol.
now..... really they should be the other way up if they're from the southern hemisphere!

2008-03-29 // 23:23:34
im speechless.
this is the SHOT OF THE WEEK (at least)...
no need to say v+f

It's all in the penguins! Good models, indeed.

2008-03-29 // 22:04:22
oh my, so wonderful!

2008-03-29 // 21:54:37

I dream about Indiana penguins.

Amalia, do you walk like a penguin, or not so much like a penguin?

I throw my head back like a penguin calling, but it's when I laugh. My name is not Naveen, but I do waddle a bit! I take my cues from Danny DeVito.

2008-03-29 // 21:09:36
Yup, he's striking a great pose back right.

I like the one sticking his chest out with pride.

He's the king! (emperor?!) Now I'm just mixing up every penguin fact ever.

2008-03-29 // 20:47:14

i like how they are all carrying on their daily business without a care in the world, or knowledge they have just been immortalised.

My favorite is the headless one. I love it when the penguins do that! I got a closer shot of just two, one looking headless again, but it didn't turn out as well.

Then there's the exorcist penguin in the back right..

2008-03-29 // 20:24:24
ok I should just keep my trap shut but I can't help it, I'm a pedantic pain in the you know what. GREAT PIC but erm, I know you took it in a zoo in the northern hemisphere and the "northern lights" is a film effect but er.... well.... its just that penguins, bless 'em, are from the southern hemisphere so they'd kinda be like southern lights or Aurora Australis rather than Aurora Borealis, check with Pierre.
Really is a lovely picture though.

Yeah, I know! But I didn't know the name for the southern one. Thanks for the tip.

2008-03-29 // 20:16:25
I like penguins...
Me too! I got to meet one, once, her name was Naveen. This was at the Cincinnati zoo, she was out walking around to wherever she wanted (with light supervision), and I sat on the floor and she circled me and tried to eat my shoelaces.
Me too! I got to meet one, once, her name was Naveen. This was at the Cincinnati zoo, she was out walking around to wherever she wanted (with light supervision), and I sat on the floor and she circled me and tried to eat my shoelaces.

2008-03-29 // 20:03:04
aww! love it!
Hehe, thanks!

2008-03-29 // 19:50:22