2008-03-26 // 16:53:02
check it out »link

it was all 600 cameras and film. the pieces aren't up yet, soon though.

it was cool, and sure somehting like that could happen anywhere it is just getting motivated people to put it all together, and a few corporate sponsors if you want to go all out.

i am not in the city, just out of it 20 minutes north. i am planning to move to the country soon- i am more of a trees and sky person myself ;)

2008-03-26 // 16:40:59
ha! i wish i was, it was a cool event- 3 photographer sand a bunch of people dressed like grandmas. they had 1.5 hours to shoot 150 polaroids and .5 hours to create the composite. they said if i was in it it would have been unfair, not so sure that would be the case though at all ;)

i had some cool ideas and it was neat to just observe the happening go down, but damn- i would have went to town!

wow. sounds so cool. the kind of thing that makes me jealous of city life... there's no way that kind of thing could happen around here. or could it??? hmmm.....

what was it? 600 cameras and film? what are they doing with the creations?

2008-03-26 // 13:13:33
looks like some extra-terrestial landscape/plant/whatever.

i think you're spot on with "whatever". strange, but appealing image i think.

2008-03-25 // 21:30:59
in-between...good call. this is a beauty CDR. fractals on top of fractals.


yeah good call. fractals...

sorry you just said good call. i honestly thought that was the best response!

i like this one. glad you do.

have a good one in Dumbo tonight? are you not one of the artists? are they lunatics?

2008-03-25 // 21:30:42
i really like this :)
i am smiling because you do :)

hey, wonderful portraits of you by pola665.

2008-03-25 // 20:00:44
i like it.
snow on a tree?
I don't care, i like it anyway.

hum. no. but i see what you mean.

just simple flowers. they should be yellow. the clouds should be white.

as it is, everything's sort of in between.

2008-03-25 // 19:50:11
also love the hair


whatty what?

2008-03-25 // 19:49:44

what the hell is this?

SotD and Thanks


it's a very nifty heavily over and double exposed thing of a gorse (Ulex europeas) and some fluffy clouds.

great, thanks.