2008-03-09 // 03:18:34

Not much to add to what g. and Johan wrote about the interior.

I like the nose of the parked car on the street. For me, this would be a good spot to study (yes study, not just look at) passing street life.

I enjoy piecing together the room in my head by following your links.

Stefan, that would be a perfect spot for you, i'm sure.

one day.


for sure.

2008-03-07 // 05:19:24

no word.

so beautiful.

the tablecloth awaiting a guest taking a seat in the chair.
looking outside. lightning the candle. having a hot beer. looking across, views shortly meeting (...)

and can you see the small orange spot (with a pale blue halo effect) over the table?

a friendly ghost we haven't seen but intuited?

2008-03-06 // 16:32:59
This light brings back memories of late nights around midsummer above the arctic circle (how strange isn't that, considering this was shot three weeks ago!). Quiet and still, even the seagulls are asleep.
i miss the experience of midsummer at the arcic circle but remember that lovely night light during one summer on Tjörn island...

but you know what, seagulls love Poland and almost every city is full of their screech. but not in this case. yes, it was so quiet...