2008-01-19 // 12:35:54
Hey hey hey. That cardigan is fucking amazing. Laure likes it too! It is clearly so good that it has drawn focus from this lovely photo (for which I am sorry). Lynne's comment on viewing this was laughing and saying 'look at your beard! It's so big! It's almost bigger than Lucas' beard'... which wasn't the point of showning the photo

2008-01-17 // 19:44:28
after her comment, do you think
1) julie likes old fashioned cardigans
2) julie & dan have shitty tastes
3) julie lies

2008-01-16 // 10:48:24
nice cardigan

2008-01-15 // 21:58:42
my favourite photo that exists of me

2008-01-15 // 21:16:40
what a view!