2010-01-26 // 19:07:29
ps/ kinda quiet in this little corner of polanoid. how fitting for a scene as lovely as this one.

very quiet back here. snow- silent. but a small crunch of a toe stepping into it.

2010-01-26 // 19:06:31
Oops. I just made a toe print in the bottom left of this scene. I couldn't resist. I'm afraid you'll have to go back & re-shoot. I hope the snow is still as pristine. Do you remember the vintage of the film you used? I just purchased some 809 - expired in '03 - and I hope it will be as lovely as this. I'll probably end up shooting it indoors though, as it's quite a task to set up that monstrous camera & tripod. I can't imaging dragging it somewhere like this. My back aches at the thought.

I just noticed that this photo is adjacent to one of my favourite series on Polanoid - Pierre41 (the Me series, was ther ever any other?). Sadly that was just a ruse. But I still like it. But I still love yours.

Time for lunch. Soba with grilled Ahi & asparagus (with a sprinkle of Ponzu). When I'm home alone I get crazy. ;-)


i see the toe print! very bad of you!
do you know, i believe this was still in the halcyon days (2007), when i had just discovered polaroid pack film and when i went to the store, there were tall stacks of 669 and 690 and 664 and 667and i didn't dream that there would be no more soon....

what do you mean that series was just a ruse? i always liked it, too....

mmm-i made a stir fry with soba and cabbage and pork the other night. good winter food.

2009-12-20 // 02:16:15

i love this picture.

i want to step into it, but i don't want to ruin it with my clumsy footprints.

is it for sale?


i'm glad you like it--i really like this one and its neighbor, too. mainly for the memories of that beautiful day- walking in fresh snow for hours- but also because this one reminds me of an old- fashioned christmas card, where everything is an otherworldly color, and there's lots of glitter sprinkled on the card, which gets all over your hands and face as soon as you open the envelope, and you want to step into the scene, and yet, you don't, for just the reason you mention. i decided not to walk in this snow, mainly because i wasn't sure where the little stream wound, exactly! i saved my footprints for a pristine golf course.

2008-02-04 // 21:18:26
This series is truly amazing....well done !
oh--thanks so much--it was a perfect day; i was just glad to be there. and now i have pola memories of it!

2008-01-23 // 23:10:47
oh yes--it was a beautiful day--i had the town to myself for most of it!

2008-01-08 // 18:49:12
Oh - that's loverly. Such colors. It looks like quiet snowy non-sounds.
oh, i like that--"non-sounds"! yes, it was...minty fresh.

2008-01-08 // 00:49:23
absolutely wonderful - we haven't had any snow here in Scotland yet and am filled with a sense of envy!! v+f
snow in scotland--that does sound wonderful! i hope that it does snow soon there--i would love to see photos--please let me know if you upload some!! (thank you!)

2008-01-07 // 21:11:02
Very nice!

perfect day--i was just lucky to be there, with some 669 film! (thank you!)

2008-01-07 // 14:08:54
nice shot! one question: do you use a coldclip for developing or how do you manage that? and how long do you proceed?
thank you, McKenzie!

oh dear...i'm so bad at tech questions--apologies straightaway!

i didn't have to use a cold clip for this one because the day was actually rather warm! i just used the lightest setting, and developed normally, which, for me, means counting 1-1000, 2-1000...30-1000. which isn't normal at all, is it.... ;)

2008-01-07 // 13:56:26
beautiful shot
thank you so much--it was a beautiful day. i just had to stand there and enjoy it. :)