2008-07-05 // 10:36:45
Das ist ja ein fantastisches Bild g..
Stehen die Häuser in Kopenhagen alle in Reih und Glied, ja?
Ist ja wirklich wahnsinnig. Tolle Inspiration für mein Architekten Dasein...


nur dort. und nur hübsch, weil alt, höchstens zweigeschossig und bewohnt von netten dänen mit leben in den höfen zwischen den häusern.

2008-04-14 // 19:45:54
So there is my twin. Lazy days with friends or simply alone at the window... Enjoying the sun, the view or counting raindrops.
Maybe on one of those sundays one dosn't even get dressed, one has breakfast at a time other people already had lunch.
whatever one does, the view, the city, it's there, it's living and sometimes we don't only watch, but try ourselves to live...

(I think I have an idea of why you could imagine to live there...
And I know, that I have to go there... We'll see, maybe this summer!?)

(summer is perfect for københavn. just perfect.)

2008-03-04 // 13:03:16
This is one of the things i miss about Copenhagen. I used to sit by my window for hours, looking at the rooftops. I love this photograph, it gives me that same feeling.
I can imagine. you lived in one of these as well?
speaking of myself, copenhagen is one of the cities I could imagine to live (especially there), and so as well I also understand that one would have a hard time to leave (speaking of my friends).
happy this was able to bring you back to a windowsill in cph. have a seat, you are welcome. the tea is on the right.

(just be careful if you open the window, lula -the dog- does not really know how high it is from the roof down to the attic -hence the reflection of the camera in the glass-)

2007-12-10 // 01:16:31

Damn! *I* was going to say supercalifragilisticexpial idocious [added just now to spell check dictionary] but you beat me to it below!

What a whimsical view. I feel like this sort of wonderful scene could *only* exist in a Mary Poppins world.

&&& I tend to see ghosts in pictures, a lot, but I *definitely* see them here, zooming around over the rooftops & flying through attic windows. Making a lot of noise, annoying the poor people living in the houses.

4 pictures at a time … I like this system. A lot. Maybe I will follow suit.

they are REAL.

(attentive observer, you! yes, hidden structures...psst.)

2007-12-05 // 15:06:10
it's simple. a driver hits another car disctracted by a beautiful girl standing on a bus stop. and she's got nothing to do with that. apart from being beautiful.

not that i think beautiful people don't think.... :o)

2007-12-05 // 14:18:18
it doesn't have to think to make you do things :o)
uh, days of definition.
I have to think about that.

2007-12-05 // 13:50:29
i coudn't really say it's the camera reflection but now i see it :o)
it also likes to be a photo model and makes you forget about things like closed windows :o)

haha, I don't think so. they have a life, but they can't think. but a life they have..

2007-12-05 // 11:24:21
i love the white foggy reflection marks and subtle redish chemicals traces. and the view is wonderfull.
yeah, the red is crazy (for a black and white film..) sometimes it appears, mostly not. the reflection marks, well, also kind of random: it's the struts of the camera reflecting in the window (recognized?). had the window open for most shots, but always closed for framing and focusing cause of lula, crazy cute little tibetian shepard, who always wanted to jump out - and simply forgot here.. but liked and stayed with this one.

2007-12-02 // 20:39:18
oh! i hope my comment doesn't steal all the blankets, then ;))
no, it's ok. you can have the blanket for that ;-)

2007-12-01 // 21:57:04
i was going back thru pages of photos i've missed--just about to stop because time goes by too quickly when i do that, and i get a little obsessive--now i'm so glad i saw this photo and read what you wrote, because both , to me, are perfect.
..this is a wonderful comment to go with to bed now finally.
thank you!

2007-12-01 // 03:03:42
…pure gray scale, i like.

me too, me too... love 572, 672, 52 for their grayscale.