2007-11-18 // 23:50:45
bloody love it!
thank you, as ever my sweet!

2007-11-15 // 16:41:30
Ah, that's so nice. I share your fondness for skylights, though I've regrettably never lived anywhere that had one...
You know that advert for Velux roof windows? With the teddy bears sitting under the big sloping windows, basking in a golden sunset? Somehow that always connected with me - an image of some sort of warm, dreamy perfection.
Um... oversharing, possibly. Anyway, lovely work!

aw thank you very much...i do indeed know the advert you speak of! i always found it weirdly creepy...a bit like all those things you'd hear about when you were a kid - that toys would come to life when you weren't looking and things...those velux people are trippy. Still- i have to say this place was hot in summer, like a greehouse and leaves used to fall in if you opened them to wide, so there were many disadvantages! x

2007-11-08 // 16:07:24
nice :) vf
hey thank you dude!!

2007-11-08 // 14:24:39
splendid ! pure and perfect

thanks so much- glad you like it- its one of those funny things to take a picture of- so mundane, but i like it somehow!

2007-11-08 // 11:58:48
wow :)
aw, thank you sweets!

2007-11-08 // 11:42:58
loving this idea. the whites, blues and angles are so clean.
thanks a lot- i am glad you like it- i always think it looks a bit like a pola of a pola or something...:) cheers my dears!