2007-09-28 // 17:40:03
this is absolutely great, LiA

glad you think so thanks, macs!

2007-09-26 // 23:11:55
This polaroid is my favorite of the b/w series.
Great photo!

thanks so much, it means a lot coming fro your honest mind :-)

2007-09-26 // 22:34:01
i like this one to....its nice!
oho thanks then :-)

2007-09-26 // 22:01:51
Looking forward trying the BW 600 :)!!
Just wondering, how long does it takes for the fading to start?

Ah depends on how you take care of it I assume.
lso the whole development of th photo takes a long time already and it changes color over at least 2 days :-)

2007-09-26 // 19:28:36
pure poetry
thanks so much, tsoko... means a lot :-D

2007-09-21 // 10:56:19
haha, there will be more more...i have a cute one of two dogs i really like- i just wish the dog hadn't moved!

2007-09-21 // 10:48:26
yeah- i have tons more in my lock- i just feel like i have the time again you know? i always like stopping by on your pictures!
show mooore :-)
and thanks of course

2007-09-20 // 12:47:10
it looks like something from some other time- like something from a dickens novel- waiting for a ship to come in- being stranded...it makes you think
Yes, it seems quite narrative to me as well..thanks for stopping by. Nie to se you more active :-)

2007-09-20 // 11:11:02


2007-09-20 // 11:08:23
Mm, I do like silhouettes. They leave so much more to the imagination. This feels as if they are waiting and hoping for something, the first figure in more confident anticipation, the second with a slightly hesitant "wait-and-see" approach.
yes I TOTALLY agree on the body-language- interpretation, I had to laugh, it really looks like a scene you describe.To me the narration in it actually makes me really like it. Otherwis it might look like another sunset just in gray.
Have fun in Vienna tomorrow!

2007-09-20 // 06:25:25

2007-09-20 // 05:24:43
this needs to be sotd. v+f.
lol too kind thank you!

2007-09-20 // 04:59:46
beautiful b&w.
i'm so jealous yours has more contrast.

2007-09-20 // 04:31:52
beauitful as always dear
thanks so much... :-)

2007-09-20 // 04:08:30
Matthew Kern
I would like to ask the same question.......this is absolutely beautiful.........v=f

2007-09-20 // 03:55:57
you still have that film?