2007-09-15 // 18:17:08
yes--an incredible light!! and she was floating--it was like an old movie almost--like the same frame kept flickering up again and again. is she the patron saint of polaroid users? (can she heal my sx-70?) i didn't think i was religious....

2007-09-15 // 16:40:33
PEPITE!! i added this to my favs yesterday afternoon and had a dream about this image last nite!! holy st theresa!
just after my work, walking in the street i had the irresistible feeling of getting inside this church (i had never seen this church before!).
Inside, there was an incredible light on this ste therese's statue.It was like an appearance, just like ste therese guided me...really strange feelings. The only thing i had to do was taking pictures: i could'nt resist to thank ste therese after this unique moment...if we had your dream to this story....i should convert myself!!!!! HOLY !!

2007-09-14 // 17:54:38
Very nice!

2007-09-14 // 17:18:03
nice diptych, i vote!