2007-07-19 // 09:11:33
So cool

(Sir Erilar)

2006-03-30 // 12:39:42
AP, don't feel insecure. carmen is just bluffing.
she invents foreign words to maintain our believe in her high IQ.
(which is "150")

Ostensively!! Ostensively?! Is this a BIG words world play-off?
*madly chuckles away as it's getting late and he's losing the plot rapidly*

2006-03-29 // 18:16:17

even carmen is right this time.

"even" "this time"? Are you suggesting my European agent could ever be wrong? Oh, hang on...I just realised the oxymoronicism of the last question - after all she has chosen my agent!!

2006-03-29 // 17:27:24
stEVE does not count.

but see?
only the strangest pictures deserve the strangest comments.

LOL! I've been told that stEVE, like myself can count...at least up to 21!

2006-03-29 // 16:42:45
stEVE knows what stEVE likes......

... but sometimes i have to be told....


Me too stEVE...me too...

2006-03-29 // 14:10:51

even stEVE!

I'm beginning to get the picture!

2006-03-29 // 14:10:05
Brilliant! Actually, these are my faves... Love the genetically modified giant apple! To me, they feel more like *your* interpetation of Magrittes images.. great..
Thanks stEVE, I appreciate that.

2006-03-29 // 13:42:50

even LiA knows the good from the bad.
(which doesn't mean that the other picture one is bad.)
this is just better

Thanks possum, I understand what you are saying...

2006-03-29 // 13:27:57
Actually, dear, I find those more interesting and weird than the other , so to me, this is not failed at all!
Thank you LiA, I like to hear these viewpoints!

2006-03-29 // 13:09:19
AND i think that this is really better than your perfect hommage because it is much more fun and i could imagine a whole series with pictures taken of you in your daily-life activities, and this apple covering your face.
how absurd!!!

I LOVE that idea, you brilliant girl! Life is so absurd anyway and I do so appreciate any concepts that push the boundaries of absurdity further!
Thank you!

2006-03-29 // 12:59:30
added to my favourites because this is just toooo cute with all its imperfection


Thank you my dear! You're too cute (actually you embody just the right amount of cuteness) and you are not imperfect at all!

2006-03-29 // 11:05:09
LOL i really like these failed Magrittes
Thanks colourspace! :-)>

2006-03-29 // 08:57:40
really like the background and light on these...and...actually...t he misplaced apple i find very appealing (apple peeling?).
LOL! Yes, I'm glad you like it - but for me, I need the lighting of these with a better placement of both the apple and myself in the composition for me to be happy...I'm hard to please!