2007-08-21 // 19:29:55
siiiiiiiiick. love this.
héhéhé i knew you'd enjoy those :p!!!

2007-08-21 // 04:59:53

OK, long comment coming, but I need to say all this:

Sikost, these are great. So good. Going through them is thrilling; making me kind of giddy.

Thank you. Thank you because they're fantastic photographs, but also thank you because there aren't enough pictures like these on polanoid. Almost 100,000 pictures uploaded, but we don't see enough pictures of living, breathing, crazy, beautiful cities. I don't know why.

This set is so good and valuable. I voted pretty much for everything you uploaded tonight. Across the board. I voted because they are beautifully composed pictures, the colors are gorgeous, you have tremendous skill; and I voted because you're using Polaroid with such amazing energy to document the kinds of real urban scenes that don't show up enough on this site. You can smell everything in these, hear sounds, city sounds, night sounds, you can feel the pavement, the hood of the car, etc.

You've given this site a rich, intoxicating new collection of urban photographs tonight.
